Iowa Old Press

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
July 8, 1908

This and That  

·                    LeRoy Schantz went to Chicago Saturday night and on Monday started his work in a good position which he has in that city.

·                    Mr. and Mrs. John Turner at Coppock have a boy baby born to them yesterday morning. Dr. E. C. Allen attending physician.

·                    We seel the Smithsonian trees. Sold on thirty days trial and guaranteed to hold in any position. W. F. Barnett & Co.

·                    George Brooks and wife, who were visiting his father, John J. Brooks, and relatives here, left last Thursday night for their home in Nebraska.

·                    Bill Severts and Babe Gillette celebrated at Fremont Saturday afternoon and evening. Balloon ascensions, ball game, Ottumwa band, etc.

·                    Louis Wagner of Burlington visited Mrs. William Henss Saturday. They are distantly related and were raised in the same village in the old country.

·                    Frank Adams and family, Ed Wolfe, wife, and Mac. Herman Zuhn, Mrs. King, Mr. and Mrs. Allred, and Mrs. Kurtz spent Sunday at D. J. Messenger’s.

·                    Mrs. Anna Lock and son Clarence, Mrs. Nellie Taylor and daughter Miss Lydia Duttweller celebrated the 4th in Fairfield and visited friends. They went over last Friday and came home Monday.

·                    The Wayland band received their new Khaki uniforms last week and wore them for the first time at the band concert Friday. They are trimmed with black border and stripe and look quite “niffty” and the band made a fine appearance in them the 4th at Mt. Pleasant.

·                    Amos Christner’s team broke loose from where they were tied at Nick Rich’s last Tuesday evening and ran to Chris Rich’s south of town. Amos works for Chris and supposed his team calls that home. They were started by some children playing. A broken buggy tongue about covered the damage.

·                    Alex Miller of the Washington Democrat says he gets out of “pacience” with Walter Wellman. It is bad to get out of patience, but to get out of “pacience” is awful. However, Alex is improving in spelling. He is learning to spell words in different ways and there is fair prospect that he will become a good speller some time.


Submitted by: A.M.W. Aug 2004


Iowa Old Press
Henry County