Iowa Old Press

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
May 18, 1905


Mrs. George Haines died at her home in Crawfordsville last Thursday morning at six o’clock. She and her husband were in Washington last week and Saturday she was around town in her usual health. Her maiden name was Allen. She had seen a great deal of trouble, having lost three children. Once she was carried out by the waves of the Pacific ocean, but was rescued. She was a devoted Christian, being a member of the Methodist Church.

All old settlers here will remember Johnny Shawn who was quite prominent here for a number of years. He went away with the Mrs. Phelps family and lived in Chicago for a long time. We remember him as genial and bright in many things, quite prominent in politics and society matters, and a fairly good talker on subjects that interested him. Of late years he has been working as an evangelist. Returning recently from one of his meetings he was struck by a street car and killed. - Free Press

Frank Maxwell, a prominent farmer living north of Crawfordsville, was badly hurt one day recently. He is building a new house and was in town for a load of shingles. He got onto the load to drive out of the lumber shed and miscalculated the height of the door. As he stooped forward to pass under the doorway, he was caught between the load and top of the doorway and his back was badly injured. It was thought at first that his back was broken, but today he is resting easier and it is hoped that his injuries will not be so serious as anticipated.

Joe Freyenberger and wife were Johnson County visitors last week.

A crowd of young folks spent a very pleasant time at the home of Jake Schlatter Sunday evening.

Mr. Morrow and son, Ed, were in Mt. Pleasant, Friday.


Submitted by: A.M.W. May 2004


Iowa Old Press
Henry County