Iowa Old Press

Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
Aug 10, 1905

This and That -Local News

·                    James R. Gillis was here from Mt. Pleasant Tuesday.

·                    Professor F. Ryner was here from Fairfield a few days this week.

·                    A delegation from here took in Pawnee Bill at Washington Tuesday.

·                    C. G. Gloeckler, editor of Mt. Pleasant Free Press, was in town Saturday.

·                    John R. Miller is building a barn on the place he recently bought of J. A. Kauffman.

·                    “Doc” Whetstein is helping the Winfield Beacon on a special fair edition this week.

·                    Wade Walton, blacksmith at L. Funk’s shop, spent Sunday at his home in Washington.

·                    Monday W. A. Brown bought of Robert H. Leeper the bay mare which we had been driving.

·                    Beautiful girdles from 25 cents up – New collars just in. Mrs. E. V. Matthews.

·                    Ben Kaufman returned last week from Bloomfield, Ill. Where he had been to attend the funeral of his brother, John.

·                    New all hats from $1 up. Mrs. Matthews.

·                    Mrs. Cassie Livingston has returned from Golden, Colorado. She expects to be here a few weeks and then go to Fairfield for the winter.

·                    Mrs. White and children, who were visiting at the Jessup home here with friends at Winfield, returned home to Sigourney Saturday.

·                    Ben Gardner, Mrs. Ben Hill, and her sister, Mrs. Haley White of Brighton, started to Portland Oregon, Monday night. Mr. Gardner will go from there to California.

·                    The Forrest City band at Fairfield will run an excursion to Davenport next Sunday August 13th, leaving Fairfield at 7 a.m., arrive at Muscatine at 9, and go by boat to Davenport.

·                    Miss Edith Riley, after a visit with her friend, Effie Leeper at Hoble, returned to her home at Washington Monday. Miss Grave Noble also visited Effie Leeper Thursday and Friday.

·                    On account of Hobson Day at the E.I.D. Fair being Tuesday, August 22nd, it has been decided to make the opening day Monday August 21 so that people can enjoy the fair and hear Hobson Tuesday.

·                    M. D. Lydy, from over the river, was a very agreeable caller Monday. He worked for Wm. Henss in the old blacksmith shop across the way 35 years ago and he and “Doc” Jones used to play ball at Swedesburg.

·                    Geo. B. Long of Mt. Pleasant, general agent representing the Bankers Accident Ins. Co. of Des Moines, has appointed J. W. Allen as local agent at Wayland. This company insures against accidents and sickness of all kinds.

·                    Miss Zoe Massey of Pleasant Plain won the grand gold medal contest at the Columbus Junction Chautauqua Friday. Miss Massey was instructed and trained by Miss Bessie Fleak and her success is a credit to both  teacher and pupil.

·                    N. S. Oxley, county auditor, and Supervisor H. K. Smith were in town Monday. Mr. Oxley made a call at the office and we were pleased to see him again. We had not met him since we were together on the Palmer-Kopp senatorial deadlock at Winfield.  


-                     Joe Stadler made a business trip to Chicago one day last week.

-                     Joseph Zear and wife of near Woolson have returned to their home after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Zear.

-                     Mrs. Morris and two children of Gas City, Indiana, are here for an extended visit with relatives.

-                     Alpha York has returned home after several days visit with her sister in Washington.

-                     Will Humphress and wife of Fairfield visited last week with the latter’s mother, Mrs. J. VanSant.

-                     Mrs. S. Morton and son, Rollie, were among the many who attended the “Pawnee Bill” show at Washington last Tuesday.

-                     Lelia Kenney will spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Dave Rich.


-                     Professor E. L. Essley and two sons of Tulsa, Indiana are visiting his brother, N.C. and family and other relatives.

-                     Della Deane, of Washington, who was visiting Ann and Mae Essley, returned to her home Monday.

-                     Grace Nichols, who has been staying at Trenton, is home again.

-                     Earl Burney, wife and baby, and George Mann and family, took dinner at W.J. Hills Sunday.

-                     Little Alma Zihlman, daughter of Lucas Zihlman, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Essley.

-                     Mrs. Merril and son of New Boston, Illinois, have been visiting relatives here.

Chicauqua Vale:

-                     Mrs. Eliza Bain came in Friday for a visit with Mrs. Hayes. She and Mrs. Hayes went to Morning Sun Saturday to stay over Sunday with Miss Lillie Bain.

-                     Miss Myra Patterson of Winfield was an over Sunday visitor with Lida and Lily Hunt.

-                     Much disappointment was felt Saturday when Elder Carlton failed to come to our quarterly meeting, but Rev. Alred was equal to the occasion and preached us a very good spiritual sermon.

-                     Isaac and Henry Neff and their wives went to Trenton Sunday to see their cousin, Roy Elliott, who is very sick.



Wayland News
Wayland, Henry, Iowa
Aug 10, 1905


-                     J. Dolph made a trip to Brighton Friday.

-                     Will Paxon was over from Winfield Monday.

-                     Willie Lovelet was in Brighton last Wednesday.

-                     George M. Rodner started on a Canadian Trip Monday.

-                     Ringling Brothers show will be at Burlington, August 22nd.

-                     The Jim Clark residence in Mt. Pleasant was damaged by fire Thursday.

-                     “Doc” Whetatien came up from Winfield Saturday night and spend Sunday here.

-                     Mrs. Kate Wenger and family returned Monday from a visit at New London and other points.

-                     Agent Shepherd was attending some railroad order meeting in Oskaloosa Saturday night.

-                     James Elliott started Friday night on his return trip to Luak, Wyoming, after a visit here.

-                     Mrs. Sadie McClintic and son, Roy, of Missouri, called on her friend, Lizzie Oswalt, Wednesday.

-                     Mrs. John Orendorff is reported better.

-                     Mrs. Rica Moore arrived from Omaha Saturday.

-                     Mrs. Edna Hauffman was reported very low Monday.

-                     Mrs. Allen Jessup, who has been quite sick, is improving.

-                     Miss Eva Leeper will go to Eldon Saturday for a visit with friends.

-                     Mrs. Johnnie Brooks returned last week from a visit in Missouri.

-                     Jake Wenger went to Winnepeg, Canada, Monday night on land deals.

-                     Mrs. Evans is reported as somewhat better but is still quite seriously sick.

-                     Mrs. Turney has moved into the Ella Shelton house in the north part of town.

-                     D. W. Loder and daughter, Nellie, have returned from their visit at the George Barr home in the country.

-                     Homer Davis---better known as “Bob”—returned last week from Burlington where he had been the past week.

-                     J. L. Downs was over from Brighton Thursday on a business deal. We are always glad to see our old friend, Sade.

-                     Pete Alliman, who lives southeast of town, had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse one day last week.

-                     Mrs. J. Dolph and H. F. Dolph drove to Brighton Sunday morning and spent the day with Frank Bristow and family.

-                     Col. L. G. Wenger has bought a load of horses and will ship Thursday and sell them Saturday afternoon to the highest bidder and Roanoke, Illinois. This will be his first sale this fall.

-                     Rev. S. L. Musselman is attending Mennonite conference at Goshen, Indiana and will be there over Sunday. For this reason there will be no preaching services at either of his churches here next Sunday.

-                     Alfred Johnson and wife, Mrs. G. York and daughters, Emma and Alpha, Ellis Oswalt and Mrs. Lulu Morris and children of Indiana were guests of James Oswalt and wife Friday. They all stayed for the show.

-                     Mrs. Campbell, mother of Mrs. C. H. Davis, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. D. Carris at Dublin at 2 o’clock Wednesday morning. Mrs. Davis had been there with her since Friday. Mrs. Davis and the family went over yesterday and the funeral will be likely held this afternoon.

-                     Mrs. E. V. Matthews will go to Chicago Saturday where she will spend about ten days in the wholesale houses selecting her fall millinery and posting on styles, etc.

-                     Mrs. Bidwell of Brighton, mother of Mrs. Thomas McClintic, had the misfortune to fall and break her shoulder. Mrs. McClintic went to Brighton to see her last Saturday.

-                     Mrs. G. J. Jones and Mrs. F. C. Wanerus drove to brighton last Wednesday and visited at the J. W. Wanerus and T. C. Word’s. Miss Vaughn Wanerus came home with them and stayed until Saturday.

-                     Thomas McClintic was home Friday and returned to Brighton Saturday. He is running the engine for John Adrieus’ threshing machine and they have considerable more threshing to do before closing the season.

-                     P. H. Conrad left Tuesday morning for Flanigan, Illinois where he will visit his brothers for a couple of weeks. He will also go to Michigan on a landseeking trip. He contemplates locating in a Mennonite community there.

-                     Miss Mary Barnes Briere came from Brighton Friday for a visit at L. R. Berth’s. Her home is at Lincoln, Nebraska, but she and her sister, Miss Claudia Barnes, were visiting at Frank Berry’s and with other friends in Brighton.


Submitted by: A.M.W. Aug 2004 & Mar 2006


Iowa Old Press
Henry County