Iowa Old Press

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1898

...Jacob RISSER, of Knoxville, Iowa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas.
HENSLEY.....Mr. Paul PROBASCO, of Mt Pleasant, is visiting his aunt, Mrs.
A.C. MORRISON.....Mr and Mrs McMAHON, of Kansas City, Mo., are the guests of
Mr and Mrs J MORRISON.....Rev. P.C. HOGLE gave a temperance lecture last
night at the M.E. church and will also lecture tonight on the same
subject.....There will be an ice cream social at the church Tuesday
evening.....Mr and Mrs Frank PROBASCO, of Kansas City, Mol, visited
relatives before last week.....Mrs. DOUGHERTY and daughters, Mabel and
Helen, returned to their home in Fairfield last week.....Mr and Mrs J.B.
WALKER of New London, spent Sunday with Trenton relatives.....Mr. Robert
KELLEY and family are visiting Oskalooska relatives.....Mr and Mrs Ed MOORE,
fo Mt Pleasant spent Sunday here with relatives.....Mrs. Dr. PITCHER and
daughter, Alice, of Mt Pleasant, spent Sunday with Mrs. M.H. BLACK.

...Mrs. Jane BERRY was visiting her daughter the last of the week, Mrs.
Frank WILLIAMS of Greenwood.....We are glad to see that Mr. Watler WRIGHT
has so improved with his broken leg that he was able to get out to church
Sunday.....Mr. Harry PACKENHAM is on the sick list the past few days.....Mr
and Mrs George WOLF from near the water works were up to see Mrs. Jane E
WHITE last Thursday.....Mr E.E. WHITE lost to hogs last week from over heat.
They would weigh close on to 200 lb.....Mrs. Jane E WHITE was visiting at
her niece's, Mrs George WOLF, Sunday.....Messrs PERRI* and Fred ARNOLD and
John PECKENHAM took the Buffalo Bill show Friday at Ottumwa.....Last
Thursday Mr. Clarence PACKENHAM returned from Carl, Iowa, where he had been
visiting his uncles.

Winfield, Aug. 29 (Correspondence) Miss Marcia STANLEY, of Indianola, is
visiting with Mrs. Dr. HARRISON.....Ed HICKREIETR, sr., of Highland Center,
is in town to attend the fair.....Mrs. Walker VAN DYKE visited in Fairfield
last week, also W.D.GARMOE and family spent a few days there.....Jared
CHAMBERLAIN and family will move to their home in your city next
week.....Charly ROBBINS' baby daughter has been seriously sick for some
time.....Rev. John HANKS and family, including his mother, from Knoxville,
are camping on the banks of the Mississippi.....Mrs. Lydia WILSON and Nellie
arrived today to be ready for school next week.....Carl SIBERTS started last
Thursday over the Q for Creston, Omaha and Lincoln for a short visit.....Mr
and Mrs Frank PETERSON have a new baby which arrived last week.Mrs. PETERSON
has been dangerously ill.....Lem SHIREY, of Webster City, is in town
visiting his sister, Mrs Lizzie HUSTON.....Julia SMILEY, of Washington, was
home over Sabbath.....Charley PLANTS and family, of Clearfield, are visiting
their parents, Mr and Mrs. McPHERSON.....Mr and Mrs. McVEY returned to their
home in Pennsylvania last Friday.....Our fair begins tomorrow. A large
number of entries have been made and with good weather it will be a success.

Miss Kate ABRAHAM, from Des Moines, visited her brother, Jno. ABRAHAM, last
Saturday.....Frank FRANCY and sister Nettie, visited their uncle and aunt,
Mr and Mrs Dave FRANCY.......

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County