Iowa Old Press

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Wednesday, April 6, 1898

Hillsboro, April 4-(Correspondence)-Hugh McCOY, Jesse COCHRAN, Walter SPROTT
and Frank SPROTT left last Monday for Seattle, Wash.....Ray BENBOWRO of Ft.
Madison was in town on business Monday.....J.R. JORDAN of West Point was in
town Tuesday....Elmer WINSLOW of Birmingham was in town several days last
week.....Mr. Arthur ENDERSBY was in Ft Madison Tuesday on business.....Lem
NELSON of Sallna was in town several days last week.....Miss Belle PRATT
came home last Wednesday from Ft. Madison where she had been visiting
relatives.....Miller BECKLEY returned home from Minneapolis last
Thursday.....Mr. G.W. GALES, who has been visiting relatives in Mt Pleasant,
came home Monday.....Mr. Herman DAVIDSON and Miss Eva MOXLEY were married in
Mt Pleasant last Thursday by Rev. H.T. CLARK of the Christian
church.....Ollie and Roy MYATT of Mt. Homill wre in town several days last
week.....Mrs. M.D. K. WEIMER of Trenton was visiting relatives here last
week.....Mr. Zade PACKER of Salem was in town last week.....Mr. and Mrs.
Mathew HARLAN were in the county seat last Saturday.....Mr. Aaron PACKER and
Misses Blanche and June PERCIVAL, Ora ALTON, Jessie WHITE, Mae GRAVES and
Madie FERRY went to Ft Madison last week to attend the teacher's convention
held at that place.....Mr and Mrs. Joe ISRAEL went to Ft Madison last
Friday.....Mr. C.W. CHOCHRAN wesnt to Mt Pleasant last Tuesday to resume his
studies at the I.W.U.....Mrs. Bert CHOCHRAN visited with relatives in Salem
last week.....Mr. J.W. MICKELWAIT traded his town property to Mrs. Dave COX
for her farm northwest of town. Mr. MICKELWAIT will move out on the farm
this week and Mrs. COX will move to town.....Miss Hattie MOGLE is visiting
with her aunt, Mrs. J. BENN, at this place.....Mr. Lloyd MOORE of Ft Madison
was in town last Friday.....Mrs. HARNS and daughter, Pauline, went to Mt
Pleasant last Saturday.....Dick WILMETH went to Salem last week to visit a
few days with his parents.....Dr. and Mrs. ALLEN went to Birmingham last
week to visit with their son, Will, for a few days.....Rev. E.O. DICKINSON,
the new pastor of the Baptist church at this place, arrived with his family
Saturday from Racine, Wis.....Mr. G.W. ALTON's new business block, on King
street, is almost completed. It will be occupied this summer by Mrs.
WILLIAMSON and daughter, who will put in a new stock of millinery goods this
week.....Mr and Mrs. James KELLY of La Crew were in town Sunday, the guests
of Mr and Mrs John WILLIAMSON.

Mr. Will WATERS of Mt Pleasant came home the last of the week. He will start
for Montana the first of the week.....Miss Ona McNEALLY is the guest of her
cousin Rose WALKER.....Mr Isaac WALKER was in Rome last week.....Mr George
WELCH is weaving fence for Sam BURSON.....Mr John NICHOLSON came home
Saturday afternoon.....Dr. LAIRD of Pleasant Point was in our vicinity
Sunday night. His business kept him till such a late hour he was caught in
the rain and had to stay all night.....Mrs. Wm. NICHOLSON is on the sick
list.....Mr Will BARTON and family went over to Glasgow Wednesday. Mr.
BARTON returned Thursday and Mrs. BARTON and children stayed for a visit
with her mother.....Mr. Andy WHITE and family of Glasgow are the guests of
Neomia BARTON.....Miss Melvina UPTON was the guest of Francis WATERS

Mr. Lafe MOORE will start for the west Monday. We are sorry to see him leave
us. He will be very much missed in the Greenwood circle, but wish him well
wherever he may go.....Will H DEVOL will work for Mr Harry MASDEN this
year.....J.G. ABRAHAM took 80 bushels of potatoes to West Point last
Wednesday.....Misses May and Minnie LESSENGER visited Mr. Ed CHENEY last
Friday.....H.C. BARKER has been remodeling his house. He has put on quite a
large addition.....Charles BROWN and family have moved to New London.....Ed
SHAFER has moved to Burlington.....Sabbath school was organized at Greenwood
last Sunday, Miss Sadie WILSON being put in as superintendent.....Mr. Dave
FRANCY took a load of potatoes to Mt Pleasant last Saturday.....J.G. ABRAHAM
shipped 33 gallons of maple syrup to Letts, Iowa.....Greenwood school will
commence April 18 with Miss June PERCIVAL as teacher.....J.G. JOHNSON and
M.O. BALDWIN were Mt Pleasant callers last Thursday.....Mrs. BALDWIN is on
the sick list this week.....Mrs. Chas SHEETS attended church in Mt Pleasant

Denova, April 4th. (Cor.)-Mr. Albert LAMM started his huxter wagon last week
with Mr Winfield SMITH on the box.....Mr and Mrs. Neal ADAMS and baby spent
Sunday with Mrs. COLLINS sister Mrs. Manly MENDENHALL.....Mr. HORTON spent
Saturday night and Sunday at his home near Lockridge.....Miss Dora TRUEBLOOD
commenced her school at Oakland today.....Denova school opened up today with
Mrs. Anna FRAZIER at the desk.....Mr. and Mrs. Al. LUPTON visited at Milton
SMITH's Sunday, returning home Monday.....Mr and Mrs. Manly MENDENHALL are
the parents of a nice baby boy.....Mr. Martle HARSHBARGER visited Saturday
night and Sunday at his home near Hillsboro.... The young people indulged in
an oyster supper Saturday evening at the home of Mr. Al. LUPTON east of
Salem.....Mr. Harvey LAMM is the proud possessor of a brand new set of
harness and his horses seem to be as proud as he.....The infant child of Mr
and Mrs. John BROWN died last Friday evening after ten days of life of
intense suffering.....Mr Henry TRUEBLOOD and family spent Sunday at the home
of John BROWN near Salem.....The people of Wesleyan chapel met Sunday
afternoon to organize Sunday school, but as we were unable to attend, have
no report of the officers elected to give.....Miss Jennie JONES returned
from her Des Moines and Ottumwa visit last week.

Trenton, April 4 (Correspondence) Mr and Mrs. J.B. WALKER from New London
spent a few days here last week with home friends.....Mrs. PUSEY of
Mediapolis visited last week with her friend, Mrs. SPIEDEL.....Little Howard
WETTS is quite sick with pneumonia.....Mr Jacob MORRISON is some
better.....Miss Francis SHULTZ and Mrs. DANIELS and children of Oakland
moved on the SHULTZ property north of here last week.....Mrs. SPIEDEL
tntertained a party of ladies very pleasantly on Thursday afternoon from 2
to 5 in honor of her friend, Mrs. PUSEY.....Miss Florence KETCHAM of Mt
Pleasant commences the spring term of school at Maple Grove this
morning.....Mrs. DEY of Mt Pleasant will teach the spring term of school at
the Montgomery school house south of town.....Misses Sylvia and Myrtel PRICE
came up from Mt Pleasant to spend Sunday at home.....Rev. THERO filled his
regular appointment here Sunday.....Mr and Mrs. Guy JEFFREY are the happy
parents of a little son, born Sunday...The Trenton schools opened this
morning. Mr. JEFFREY and Mrs. M.D.K. WEIMER, teachers.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County