Iowa Old Press

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
May 5, 1897

Mr. Geo VORHELS, of Four Corners, was a pleasant caller at the News office

H.N. PAYNE, of Jefferson township, was a county seat visitor today.

Mrs. Nellie JOHNSON is visiting at her old home in Moulton, Iowa.

Wm. BLOM, of Keokuk, was looking after business interests here today.

Mr and Mrs. Frank BROWN wre in Fairfield a couple of days this week.

Mr. Wm. WARWICK is at thome for a few days and greeting his numerous

Mr and Mrs. Mac CLAWSON welcomed a little boy baby to their hearts and home

Rev. W.E. SAUERMAN, of Olds, has been granted a patent on a car coupler he
has invented.

Mrs. Jessie PAYNE and babies, of Washington, are guests at the McAdam home
on West Monroe street.

Rev. F.L. MOODY, who was tried at Fairfield yesterday, on the charge of
illegal voting, was acquitted by the jury.

A marriage license was granted yesterday to Mr. Lafayette HOUSEL and Miss
Mattie BONNIFIELD, both of Tippecanoe township.

Mr. W.G. MARTIN, traveling passenger agent of the Iowa Central railroad, was
in the city a few hours on business this morning.

Richard DAVIDSON and wife, Miss Maud DAVIDSON, Rowland DAVIDSON and Miss
Lillie FRAZIER, of Hillsboro, wre in the city yesterday.

Fred CRANE returned this noon from Des Moines where he has been taking a
course with an eye specialist, in fitting spectacles.

The Mt Pleasant Lumber and Manufacturing company have received a carload of
red cypress lumber from Louisiana, which will be used for finishing the
inside of Hershey Hall.

The ladies of the Congregational church held a box social last evening with
Mrs. H. WILDER. There was a good turnout and a most enjoyable evening was

Mr. H.D. ANDREWS and wife left yesterday for Norwalk, California, where they
will for the present make their home. The Weekly News will still keep them
in touch with their many friends here.

New London, April 27. (Correspondence) Mrs. W.M. CLADWELL of Mt Pleasant
spent last week in this city as the guest of Misses CALDWELL [note that
CLADWELL is as it was spelled in paper].....The Misses Kate and Hattie
CALDWELL spent Sunday with friends in Mt Pleasant.....John McKINNON and Wm.
LEE were buiness visitors to the county seat Monday.....Mr and Mrs. ? F.
PETERSON are rejoicing over the advent into their home last Wednesday of an
eight pound daughter.....Miss Gay OLDS of Mt Pleasant spent a few days of
last week with friends in this city.....Mrs. J.D. ROBERTS returned Saturday
evening to his home in Mt. Pleasant after a week's visit with friends in
this city.....Mrs. Annie SCHYER was a business visitor to the county seat
Saturday.....Mrs. George ANDERSON of Mt Pleasant spent last week at the home
of her father Mr. PENNEBAKER.....Mrs. W.E. PRICKETT of Mt Pleasant has been
in the city for the past week.....Mr. Will BROWN is working on the
Presbyterian church in Mt Pleasant.....Miss Jeaneete SMITH spent Easter with
friends in Mt Pleasant, returning home Tuesday morning.

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
May 19, 1897

New London, May 13 (Special)-Mr. W.H. SMITH, of the firm of J.W. Seymour &
Co., was wedded this evening to Miss Nellie HOPKINS, of Marsh, Iowa, Rev.
E.P. HENNES, of Keokuk, officiating. Miss Nellie FERREL, of this place, an
intimate friend of the bride, played the wedding march. To-morrow evening Mr
and Mrs SMITH will be given a reception at the home of the groom's parents,
Mr and Mrs. George SMITH, of Mount Union. They will at once commence
housekeeping in the residence recently occupied by Mr and Mrs Ed LEE.

Professional Cards
Physician and Surgeon
Office hours 8 to 10; 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.
Calls attended day or night
Office over BARTLETT's Store
Residence 801 South Main Street
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Ott's Drug Store
Residence 401 North Main street. Will attend calls day or night. Surgery,
Rectal diseases and diseases of women will be given special attention.
Attorney at Law
Will practice in the State and Federal Courts
All legal business, including collections, promptly attended to. Officer
over Nat'l State Bank.
Attorney at Law
Practice in state and Federal courts. Office over Savings Bank, Mt Pleasant,
Attorney at Law
Office in Hill's Block, North Side Square.
Practices in all courts of the state. All business promptly looked after.
Attorney at Law
Office at Mayor's office, Mt Pleasant, Iowa
Attorney at Law
Will practice in the State and Federal courts. All legal business, including
collections, promptly attended to.
Office: South Side Park
Mt Pleasant, Iowa
Real Estate and Insurance
Insurance and Collections
Represents leading Fire and Tornado companies doing business in Iowa.
Insurance Agent

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County