Iowa Old Press

Mt. Pleasant Weekly News
Mt. Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Wednesday, March 3, 1897

Vega, Ia., Mar 1 (Correspondence)-William EYE of Williamsfield, Ill. has
been visiting his friend J.P. CHEZUM for a few days.....The literary society
closed last Tuesday night at Pleasant Hill for the winter.....Mrs. Rev. J.
LEE has been suffering with a felon the past week.....Mrs. William ELLIOTT
is quite sick at present.....Thomas LITTON sold 30 head of last spring
calves for $25.50 per head.....J.P. CHEZUM has rented his farm to B.H.
HECKENBERG and he will move to Stockport.....Luke YAKEL has moved his
household goods to Bloomfield, Iowa, where he will live this summer.....T.H.
BARTON and Floyd CHURCH, transacted business in your city
Saturday.....Married last Wednesday evening at the Home of the bride in
VanBuren county, Mr. Charles EDWARDS to Miss Kate STANLEY, Rev. J. LEE
officiating.....D.S. BARTON and wife are the proud parents of a nice girl
baby that came to take charge of their new house Saturday evening.

In spite of the rough roads, quite a number from this place are attending
the COURTNEY trial at Mt. Pleasant.....We are sorry to state taht Mrs.
Jennie HALEY is very sick.....Miss Stella CRAIN has been on the sick list
for the past week.....We understand that Mr. Frank FARR is quite
poorly.....A hypnotism show was given at Liberty schoolhouse last Wednesday
evening. it proved a failure.....Quite a number travelled the rough roads to
literary last Saturday night.....Last Sunday was regular preaching at
Pleasant Hill. Rev. POWELSON is our worthy pastor.....The Liberty Literary
society will close next Thursday evening, March 4th. A lengthy program is
being prepared.....Pleasant Hill neighborhood will be entertained by the
Lowell Dramatic club next Saturday night.

Died at the home of his parents, two and one-half miles west of Beulah, on
Feb. 17th, Albert ERICSON, aged about 25. He had been a great sufferer for
several years, and to him came death as an angel of release from suffering
and pain.....

March 1st-(Correspondence) Mrs. Malinda ROSS and daughter, of Morning Sun
visited relatives here last week.....Miss Maggie COURTER arrived from Kansas
last Wednesday to visit her father. Arthur SHEPHERD, of Keosaqua, is
visiting in town.....Will CARDEN and wife went to Burlington Saturday night.
Mrs. C. will visit her parents while Will goes to help inaugurate Wm.
McKinley at Washington D.C. and visit his brother Frank.....A man from
Crawfordsville was in town one day last week looking for a dog aged 15 years
that was stolen some time back. He was advised to search in Marion
township.....Justice PIERCE held court last Friday. The suit was between
Geo. WILSON and John WILLIS for debt. it wa very interesting and drew a
large crowd. The jury was out all night and did not agree.....Ad. SEWELL and
Walter SEWELL are moving to farms near Crawfordsville.....La Grippe is
prevailing to quite an extent, several people are very sick and the M.D.s
look real pleasant.....Mr. Gilbert VAN SYOC, of Carthage, Illinois, is
visiting at the home of L.B. PIERCE his wife and boy have been here for some
time.....Mr. Thomas ALLEN will move to Missouri this week.....The city
election is very quiet today.....Several of our citizens will attend the
COURTNEY trial this week.

"There is no death! What seems so is transition;
This life of moral breath
Is but a suburb of the life elysian,
Whose portal we call death."

On Saturday, Feb. 20, 1897, at his home in Trinidad, Col, occurred the death
of Mr. Henry Clinton LEEDHAM of paralysis, in the 74th year of his age.
Mr. LEEDHAM was born in Washington county, Ohio, near Marietta, in April,
1823. His parents, John and Sarah ( KENNINGTON) LEEDHAM were born in
England, emigrated to America in 1818. They first settled in Ohio, coming to
Iowa in 1844.
In December, 1844, Mr. LEEDHAM was married to Miss Emily DOANE in Washington
county, Ohio......

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County