Iowa Old Press

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry Co, Iowa
Wednesday, June 2, 1897

Half Cash.
We pay half cash for eggs at the cash store of F.R. FLEAGLE.

Mrs. James LYON nad daughter Miss Emma LYON, of Manchester, Conn. are
visiting with Mrs. Asa HILLS, of this city, sister of Mrs. LYON.

If you need a buggy, don't fail to examine the Moline vehicles at PRICE &

Special sale on buggies for the next thirty days at DeLASHMUTT & PARROTT's,
New London.

Sanc MASSEY of Salem nearly severed his foot with an axe the other day while
preparing a shute with which to load some hogs into a wagon.

Good time to buy dress goods. They are going cheap at Wm. HOAGLIN's.

Frederick KNIGHT, foreman at the C.B.Q. coal chutes, says all work and no
play don't go. Hereafter he will enjoy himself when off duty, on a fine new
Crecent bicycle.

Just received a car of Miners Patent Flour. J.E. PETERSON, New London, Iowa.

Ex-Sheriff Nixon FULLERTON, of Burlington, committed suicide last Saturday
by hanging himself to a tree in his own door yard. Poor health was the cause
of his taking his life.

Miss Ora DRUMMOND has just closed a very successful term of school at
Sunnyside in Wayne township. The scholars and patrons are much pleased with
her work and are in hopes to secure her services for the fall term.

We are called upon today to announce another sudden death, that of Mrs. J.K.
CLARK, who dropped dead while engaged in her usual household duties on
Saturday evening. It is supposed her death was caused from her heart
failure. The funeral services were held this forenoon.

Ladies vests, 4c.
Tape neck and sleeve, 10c.

This morning occurred the death of Mr. James DUFFIELD at his home on North
Adams street. He was one of our old citizens, being about 75 years of age at
the time of his death. Since he gave up his position as city weighmaster,
his health has been very poor, and for some time back he has been confined
to the house.

The infant child of Mr. Frank PIPER was buried Friday last at Oak Ridge
cemetery. Services were conducted by Rev. O.W. ROGERS at teh Oak Ridge
church. Many neighbors and friends gathered to express their sympathy for
the afflicted, and mingle their tears with theirs. Death is no respecter of
persons. He brings all low, and lays them in the earth to crumble away to
common dust. "Be ye also ready."

A marriage license was issued yesterday to Mr. Joseph L SMITH of Jefferson
township and Miss Laura C. GRAHAM, of Salem township. The couple were
married at once by Justice of the Peace, T.A. BEREMAN.

Mrs. W.S. WITHROW and children leave to-night for an extended visit with
relatives at Bedford, Indiana. Mr. WITHROW will accompany them as far as
Chicago and will then return to finish up his work at Burlington.

The Oakland Mills was not sold to G. BONNIFIELD alone, but to a company

The graduation exercises of Howe's Academy will be held at the Grand opera
house, Friday evening, June 11th, at eight o'clock. Instead of the customary
orations, a lecture will be given by Arthur B. CHAFFEE, President of Central
University, after which the diplomas will be conferred. Admission free.

Howe's Academy will graduate a class of nine this year: Belle HANNA, Bert
JAY, and Wm. REFOIR, from the Latin Course; Sylvia BRAND, Edward LYNN, and
Cecil HUNTER, from the Teacher's Course; Harry NIXON, Leslie DAWSON, and
Charles ALLENDER from the Business course.

Vega, Iowa, May 31, 1897--(Correspondence)-Memorial exercises were fittingly
celebrated Sunday morning at the Lamberth cemetery. The choir sang some
choice selections and Rev. J. LEE and Elder SHEPARD, of Danville, made short
addresses...Mr. P. BROWN and wife of Denova, visited with Mr. Eli HOCKETT
and wife Sunday...C.B. CRANE and wife visited his brother near Doud's
station several days last week....

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Wed., June 16, 1897

Ralph CRANE is the name of a little son, who arrived at the home of Mr and
Mrs Paul Woolson, Toledo, Ohio, Thursday, June 10. Their many friends here
extend hearty congratulations to the happy parents.
[Ralph Crane Woolson was the son of Paul Bird Woolson and Laura Evelyn

The prohibition meeting last night at the opera house was so slightly
attended, owing to the many other attractions, that the address was
dispensed with and after a little formal talk those present disbanded.

Doctor and Mrs. GILMAN gave a very pleasant reception last evening in honor
of the newly wedded couples. Dr. LOER and his wife, and Mr and Mrs. Frank
GIVIN, who have just returned from their wedding trip. Only employes of the
hospital were invited, but about one hundred and fifty were present. The
hours were from 7 to 9 p.m. The rooms were tastefully decorated with cut
flowers and an elegant supper was served. Of course they all had a good

Deputy Sheriff MILLER yesterday had to perform the painful duty of putting
up notices advertising the sale of the Dr. BALL bicycles that were attached
some days ago. Dr. BALL attempted to stave off action, but the company
having become acquainted with him, ordered the deal closed at once. There
are two ladies' and five gentlemens' wheels that will go at extremely cheap.
The sale will take place June 22d at the court house.

The News understands that Mr. J. Ross HART, editor, proprietor and publisher
of the Wayland News, has sold a half interest of his metropolitan
publication to a gentleman, his office devil, a Mr. MOSS by name, who at
once assumes a half interest in the responsibilities and liabilities of the
plant. The paper is now a mossback, or rather mossbacker, in fact as well as
in reputation. Mr. HART is a great success - as a failure. The sympathy of
the people of Wayland goes out to Mr. MOSS.

It seems that the very serious illness of Mrs. HACKNEY is due to the
careless, if not criminal, administering of that dangerous drug, Cocaine.
But a short time ago a college student's life was dispaired of, while other
cases of a more or less serious nature are reported. Every physician in the
city declares the stuff dangerous. Dr. BEERS and Dr. PUNTON both refuse to
administer it under any circumstances. Some people can take the deadly drug
without any harmful effects, others are made sick, and still others are
brought to the very verge of the grave.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County