Iowa Old Press

Mt. Pleasant Weekly News
Mount Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Jan 6, 1897

Vega, Ia., Jan 4- (Correspondence)
Our Sunday school at Union was reorganized last Sunday. Mr. T.H. BARTON was
chosen superintendent; Carl JOY, secretary; N.O. ELLIOTT, treasurer; Miss
Nellie CRANE, librarian; Professor C.T. BARTON, Chorister...Mr. T.H. BARTON
and wife attended the tenth wedding anniversary of their daughter, Mrs.
Charles COOPER, near Salem last Tuesday. At the noon hour a bountiful dinner
was served to about forty guests. Mr. and Mrs. COOPER were the recipients of
some handsome and useful presents for which they feel grateful to
friends...Miss Kate NAU returned a few days ago from a three months visit
with her sister, Mrs. Annie CARRY at Lenox, Ia....John F. NAU visited at
Bloomfield Christmas.....Miss Flora WILLEFORD visited her sisters at Dr.
N.M. WILLEFORD's near Pleasant Point, New Year's day.....W.B. FRAME spent a
few day the first of the week at Salem visiting old time friends...Mr. Floyd
CHURCH, our popular teacher at Pleasant Hill has had a severe tussel with
the mumps but was ready for school again Monday...Andrew THOMPSON's children
have the scarlet fever in a mild form and are reported better.....Mr. B.H.
HECKENBERG was transacting business in Burlington last week.....C.T.
BARTON's little girl baby is getting along nicely. It was reported that it
was a boy and they had named him Bryan, but Charles says that is another
campaign lie.

Rome, Jan 4 (Correspondence)-
Mr. A JOHNSON ordered a fresh supply of fine cigars from Ottumwa
today.....Mr. and Mrs. R. PLATT have returned to their home at London Mills,
Ill., after a short visit with friends and relatives near this place.....On
account of the cold weather, there was no Sunday school at the Baptist
church.....Miss Delia AMBROSE, of Fairfield, is the gues of her cousin, Miss
Marie LAUGHLIN.....Mr. James LAUGHLIN has returned from a few days visit at
Chicago.....Mr. J KINNEY is reported quite sick. We hope that he may soon
recover and be able to be with us in a few days.....The dance which was to
have been given at Wm. ELLIOT's store building, Saturday evening, was
postponed, on the account of the bad weather.....Mr. Frank PETERSON, of
Denver, Col., is visiting his parents who live southwest of this
place.....Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ELLIOTT are the happy parents of a boy baby,
which came to gladden their home Friday evening.....Our shcool opened again
to-day, after a two week's vacation.....Misses Marguret and Josephine BAKER
spent a few days in Chicago visiting friends, last week.....Rev. CLARKE, of
Fairfield, will commence a revival meeting at the Baptist church next week.
He will be assisted by his wife, who is one of the best singers that we have
had the pleasure of hearing for some time.....Rev. THURO did not preach at
the M.E. church Sunday evening. He is conducting a revival meeting at
Trenton.....Rev. LEE went to Seymour Sunday to fill his regular appointment
at the Baptist church of that city.....Charles STEPHENS has returned to Mt.
Pleasant after a week's visit at this place.....Mr. J.L. KIRKHEART, Jr.,
captured a large coon in the woods of Wm. JACKSON Thursday and brought it
home. Friday it was taken out to the edge of town and turned loose with a
couple of dogs. It soon whipped them, and more dogs were sent for. They were
whipped as fast as they came, and the coon would have been alive yet if the
men had not killed it. During the fight the coon attempted to run away, but
the boys stopped it. The coon thought A. KELLEY was a tree and started to
run up his leg. He was unable to shake it off after it had bitten his leg
and hand. Taking things all together, it was a very exciting day for Rome.
There was probably over one hundred people watching the fight.....A dance
will be given at Wm. ELLIOT's store building Saturday evening.

Hillsboro, Jan. 4th, 97, (Correspondence)
-The dedicatory exercises, announced last week to take place at the
Christian church last Sunday, were postponed for an indefinite length of
time on account of the weather and bad roads. A continued fall of rain
Saturday and Sunday made it impossible for friends living even a short
distance to be present. Rev. HAGGARD arrived Saturday on the evening train
according to appointment and preached Saturday evening, also Sunday at 11
a.m. and 7:30 p.m......Mrs. John COLLINS, who has been in poor health for
some time, went to Chicago in company with her son's wife, Mrs. Ed COLLINS,
last week.....Mrs. HOUGH who was quite indisposed during the holidays is
able to be out again.....Quite a number of students from this place who have
been visiting at home during vacation, returned to-day.....We have felt lost
the past two weeks on account of the silence of the school bell, and it
seemed like old times to hear it ring again this morning.....Mr. Harry EYRES
met with an accident last week that came very near to being fatal.

At the annual meeting of the Henry County Mutual Fire Insurance company last
Saturday the following officers were elected for the coming year: President,
Henry C BROWN, Center township; Vice President, Ras F CAMPBELL, Mt.
Pleasant; secretary, E.N. KITCHEN, Mt. Pleasant; treasurer, G.W. DALLNER,
Mt. Pleasant; directors, William H BEERY, of Center township; vice
president, THOM, Tippecanoe township. The amount of the insurance written
during the year was $435,750 and the amount levied was 2 1/4 mills on the
dollar. The amount of policies in force on January 1, 1897, was $1,929,167,
while the amount in force on January 1, 1896, was $1,894,936, showing a gain
of $34,231 during the year.

Look out for mackintosh peddlers as they will probably be in Mt. Pleasant in
a few days. An exchange says: a gang of mackintosh peddlers is at work in
the city. Yesterday a couple of them got into trouble on the West side and
one of them was taken to the police station, but afterwards released. The
fellows are selling an inferior article of goods and no cheaper than the
home merchants can sell a much better article. It is strange people will
patronize them when they know full well the most of them are frauds.

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 13, 1897

Labors of Cupid

[Dates of license and ages of applicants follow for the year of 1896]

Jan 1
John BYERS...26
Anna CLEMENTS...26
Jan 2
V.D. MORRES...25
Elnora BARTLETT...24
Jan 4
Alfred L WELKIE...25
Hatie E RICHARD...20
Jan 6
Chas. F WATTS...25
Emma BARTON...28
Jan 8
A.E. VIRDEN...44
Jan 11
Will CLUTTER...27
Alice FRESHOUR...26
Jan 22
Frank McFARLAND...27
Alpha GILL...30
Jan 26
Fred HALL...23
Ruth DOAN...23
Jan 29
Chas. SEPTER...24
Mary E TURNER...18
Feb 3
John A SCARFF...28
Belle ALLENDER...26
Feb 4
Roscoe PRATT...22
Inez EDGAR...24
Feb 4
Minnie M TAYLOR...17
Feb 4
Rob't. A THORNTON...25
Gertrude M ISAMAN...17
Feb 5
William DOUGLAS...29
Arilda ROSS...23
Feb 5
Chas H CUTLER...32
Myrtle C WOLFF...20
Feb 10
E.S. WALKER...26
Luella PARKS...21
Feb 10
Chris S BOSHART...22
Emma E BOSHART...19
Feb 10
Elbert V LEE...22
Lennie B DENNY...19
Feb 17
Wm WYSE...26
Anna GERIG...19
Feb 18
Frank MENEELY...29
Feb 20
Mark A SCHULTZ...37
Emelia BENGSTON...22
Feb 21
Frank KERR...26
Belle COLLINS...23
Feb 24
Albert NEIL...28
Mary McCOSH...25
Feb 27
Grant CORSBY...26
Rossie B JOY...26
Feb 27
Calvin MYERS...42
Alice WEBB...40
Feb 29
James MOORE...28
Maggie LEMON...23
Mar 2
John W THOMAS...20
Julia CUTLER...23
Mar 7
Joseph SAMPLE...26
Mary SAMMONS...22
Mar 9
Eva F ROBB...20
Mar 9
Jacob GRABER...31
Barbara ROTH...21
Mar 10
Frank S HOBBS...26
Ella COOK...23
Mar 10
M.J. KNIGHT...29
Lesta BYERS...20
Mar 11
George HELPHREY...28
Alta CORNICK...18
Mar 11
Jessie M CANTRELL...20
Mar 11
Frances CANTWELL...25
Mar 14
Lewis SKIPTON...25
Edith E EVELAND...18
Mar 14
Frank A CROCKER...26
Fay MATHEWS...26
Mar 16
C.R. SWARTS...35
Lena GILYEART...28
Mar 16
Henry NICKOLAUS...28
Mary YOUNG...28
Mar 16
William NIXON...26
Olive YOUNG...26
Mar 16
Della DeGARMO...23
Mar 17
Byron CLOSSON...23
Barbara OZIER...22
Mar 17
Stella JACOBS...30
Mar 18
W.F HATCH...22
Maud N THOMAS...23
Mar 18
M Belle KNIGHT...30
Mar 20
P.C. CLEEK...23
Emma LANG...23
Mar 21
Chas. T SHUTS...29
Anna L PETERSON...27
Mar 25
Chas. W BARNES...37
Alice SCHULTZ...27
Mar 26
William ADLER...25
Jane KEATON...30
Apr 2
Fred LITTLE...23
Mary MILLER...17
Apr 2
Arthur A ABERNATHY...23
Rose MURPHY...18
Apr 2
W.R. CREW...70
Alice STANSBURY...26
Apr 14
Wm. BRIGGS...21
Lola CHEZUM...19
Apr 15
Garret VAN VRANKEN...38
Maggie ROSS...31
Apr 18
Will KISER...29
Mary HARRISON...28
Apr 25
Frank MANNING...27
Martha TURNER...19
Apr 29
Elof John GLANTZ or GLANTS...25
Delia SANBURG...18
Apr 30
H.R. HOBBS...19
Anna HAMILTON...19
Apr 30
H.B. MASSEY...35
Eva BONNELL...27
May 1
John R STINSON...36
Grace E BOLDING...21
May 2
George DILSAVER...29
Nettie CHRISTIAN...19
May 6
Chas. STONE...20
Eva May BAIN...20
May 12
Jacob MILLER...32
Lydia E GARICK...21
May 20
Clarance A LAGROW...22
Emma McKINNON...20
May 21
Andrew BROWN...22
Mrs. Lillie BURROWS...21
May 23
G.W. HEBEL...40
Clara A MILHONE...30
Jun 1
Peter HURLEY...37
Josie SEXTON...31
Jun 2
Clarence HOBSON...(25?)
Sarepta SWAILES...??
Jun 3
Laura FENTON...30
Jun 5
Russel COOK...26
Florence SCHOLEY...30
Jun 16
Florence DICKS...24
Jun 16
George W PARSONS...34
Carrie M BELL...29
Jun 16
W.S. JUDY...31
Anna E BELL...26
Jun 17
Mrs. V.E. GRANDY...38
Jun 23
Henry CARTER...29
Vinnie LINCOLN...18
Jun 23
George E CRABB...36
Linnie LYMAN...28
Jun 23
Marguerite McCORMICK...21
Jun 29
James HOURIHAN...29
Selma LINDBURG...24
Jun 30
Wm. Wm. S JOHNS...35
Jeanette S HACKNEY...24
July 3
Josey MESSER...21
Alice May COLLINS...19
July 21
Henry HOLDEN...24
Mary E PIERCE...23
July 23
Elsie BOLES...23
July 23
Charles F POWELSON...24
Alice MARSHALL...22
July 23
J C OAKES...64
Mrs. Mary A STONE...55
Aug 4
Bert JOHNSTON...23
Emma MEEKER...19
Aug 18
Aug 18
Lyman COOK...25
Anna CLARK...20
Aug 19
Ollie L SHIPLEY...16
Aug 20
Loren WILLEY...26
Lillian G LEEDHAM...21
Aug 24
Clarence CARR...22
Ella E WHITE...19
Aug 26
Edward HOUTS...22
Roxie GIDEON...19
Aug 26
Isaac SPRAY...50
Margaret CALHOUN...19
Aug 27
John M COFFIN...72
Mary M FRAZIER...63
Aug 27
Daniel BLACK...27
Pet JONES...27
Aug 29
J. W. RICKY...(23 or 28)
Mary McCULLEY...29
Aug 31
Chas HUDSON...22
Minnie LYON...22
Aug 31
Eddie BALLARD...22
Martha M SAMMONS...17
Sept 1
Arthur G BARTON...26
Bell OSBUN (or OZBUN)...23
Sept 1
A BURGE...26
Ellie KISLING...18
Sept 1
George DILLE...25
Elsie OZBUN...20
Sept 2
Charles TRACY...25
Cora FRESHOUR...17
Sept 3
Albert LUNBACK...48
Nancy M DILLON...48
Sept 3
W D WOLF...25
Callie B DYARMAN...19
Sept 8
W. E YOUNG...(28 or 23)
Susie CAMPBELL...16
Sept 10
Fred TAYLOR...24
Ella STEPP...19
Sept 12
Wm. H PIXLEY...23
Margaret A T BROWNE...21
Sept 12
Frederick W MARSH...24
Edith J BARTLETT...26
Sept 14
Oscar HANSON...25
Minnie FLEANOR...17
Sept 22
Albert McKEAN...33
Jessie McCRYSTAL...28
Sept 22
Howard RESSELL...32
Viola WELLS...30
Sept 23
Philip E CONNER...29
Cecil O McKEE...20
Sept 23
Chas W WHITSON...26
Lelia SNIDER...29
Sept 24
Arthur B HAHN...26
Sept 29
Herman MAGDEFRAN...51
Mrs. Annie GUSTIN...35
Oct 5
Fannie AYERS...25
Oct 6
A J EVANS...28
Mina DAVIS...25
Oct 6
Elmer E HILTON...36
Jennetta COOK...38
Oct 7
Alice ANGEL...18
Oct 8
F.S. PAYNE...28
Grace DICKINSON...24
Oct 12
Axel ANDERSON...25
Anna CHEZUM...20
Oct 13
Newton TRUEBLOOD...22
Viola HARMISON...(18?)
Oct 14
Gilbert BROOKS...(23?)
Miriam WOOLSON...(24?)
Oct 14
Elbert SMITH...27
Olive COLE...27
Oct 19
August TOTEMEIER...33
Ida MARTIN...27
Oct 21
Ralph E MORSE...30
Frances J CAMPELL...31
Oct 21
Andrew HOCKOM...25
Nellie V SPITTLE...19
Oct 23
Chas. E GEBHART...21
Belle CARTER...20
Oct 24
Lem W HALL...25
Margaret A GEBHART...17
Oct 24
Edgar HOCKETT...20
Eva JOHNSON...21
Oct 27
Wm STAKER...31
E Josie FRENCH...31
Oct 28
Warren B STUBBS...26
Katherine Mae TROUGHTON...24
Nov 3
Chas F HILL...19
Eva LOGAN...21
Nov 4
Edward SCHROEDER...(23 or 28)
Anna KLINE...(23 or 28)
Nov 7
J. W. PIDGEON...26
Eva AYERS...24
Nov 11
Loren EDWARDS...21
Lyda HAAS (or HASS)...20
Nov 11
Charlie DARNELL...24
Julia M HAWN...21
Nov 14
Wm A GAY...46
Nov 16
Joseph E WILSON...23
Alice THORNTON...21
Nov 17
Clyde W PAYNE...(no age given)
Alice HUGHES...(no age given)
Nov 17
Therun GLOVE...54
Hettie SMITH...24
Nov 18
Kate BRITTON...(22?)
Nov 21
Fred BRAY...35
Mary FITZSIMMONS...36 (or 26)
Nov 21
P.H. RICH...31
Ella HINKLE...21 (or 31)
Nov 24
Ralph PARRIOTT...23
Nov 24
Thos. WRIGHT...24
Nov 25
Edna Amelia PAUL...19
Nov 25
Wm SELSER (or SELZER)...50
Anna M BROOKS...25
Dec 1
Lewis R RASCH...23
Mrs. Emma RASCH...21
Dec 4
Frank BENNING...(no age given)
Mattie MORSE...(no age given)
Dec 7
Luther HIXSON...(no age given)
Florence M SHAW...(no age given)
Dec 7
Aura MITCHELL...23
Dec 7
Hugh CAMPBELL...31
Grace ALTON...17
Dec 7
Chas A STANLEY...28 (or 23)
Cora Bell DAVIDSON...23
Dec 7
J.W. POPE...21
Cora TUNING or TANING...22
Dec 8
Henry C HAMPTON...49
Mrs Emeline SMUTZ or SMUTS...44
Dec 8
Herman SWAN...21
Alice MOORE...23
Dec 10
Edward McCullough CALVIN...30
Ella B CLARK...29
Dec 15
Harlan MATHEWS...(no age given)
Maggie YOUNG...(no age given)
Dec 16
John BOGUE...(no age given)
Della PECK...(no age given)
Dec 18
Steward HIXSON...(no age given)
Mattie CRAWFORD...(no age given)
Dec 19
Harry BOLLAR...22
Maggie FETTERMAN...21
Dec 19
Edward JOHNSON...29
Anna M WICKS...24
Dec 22
Elmer WALKER...22
Laura Maud DEANEY...19
Dec 22
Albert R ANDERSON...27
Viola GHOLSON...18
Dec 22
Ed. SHIPLEY...(23 or 28)
Maggie LAUGHLIN...(23 or 28)
Dec 23
W.E .COEN...25
Mary HOOKOM...26
Dec 23
Chas. M ROBERTSON...29
Irene HOLLAND...22?
Dec 23
Arthur ARBUCKLE...22?
Florence THORNTON...22?
Dec 24
Cornelius S COLLINS...(34 or 24)
Iona A UPTON...??
Dec 26
Wm. PARKS...28
Stella May BARNEY...21
Dec 26
Allen BARNEY...19
Dec 26
Lenis M PAGE...25
Phoebe EWING...23
Dec 28
Geo. KERR...(no age given)
Annetta SCOTT...(no age given)
Dec 28
Jacob GABELINE...(no age given)
Myrtle G RIGGS...(no age given)

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County