Iowa Old Press

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Wed., Aug 4, 1897

La Hoyt, Ia., Aug. 2, '97: (Correspondence) - Mrs. Frank WILLIAMS of your
city is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BERRIE. She is canning
blackberries while here.....Miss Lulu MONTGOMERY, who has been in Mt
Pleasant for about a month taking treatment of Dr. MARSH, returned home
Sunday to stay two weeks. She is a little better.....W.R. MANSFIELD and Fred
ARNOLD, Jr., are viewing the sights of Ottumwa, and out on a trading
expedition.....Mr. Lee SMITH spent Sunday at his home near this
place.....Mrs. Phobe WELSH who has been visiting in Omaha, Neb., returned
home one day last week.....Little Mable LUSK of Mt Pleasant visited with her
aunt, Mrs. Ed BARTON Sunday.....C.W. COCHRAN of I.W.U. preached an excellent
sermon at this place Sunday. Rev. THERO being unable to attend sent Mr.
COCHRAN to fill his place.....Mr. Wm. DAVIS lost some cattle by lightning in
the storm of last Friday.....Ida UPTON visited with the home folks last
Sunday week.....Messrs Albert and Clyde THOMPSON of Mt Pleasant attended
services at Highland Sunday.....Miss Della BLACK is recovering from a bad
spell of inflammatory rheumatism which she had about all summer, caused by
overheating herself.....Word was received here today that Rachael Ann UPTON
while on her way to Mt Pleasant was thrown out of the buggy and severly
hurt. She was taken in at Mr. James LUSK's. We have not heard the
particulars, but hope it is not so bad as reported.....Mrs. James BERRIE who
has been visiting with relatives and friends in Mt Pleasant returned home

Salem, Ia., Aug. 2, 1897, (Correspondence) Mr. and Mrs. C.A. STEVENS
entertained a few guests at a dinner party Friday.....Judge and Mrs. W.W.
WITHROW and little daughters, of Mt Pleasant, visited at the home of Mr and
Mrs. R.W. ROGERS the latter part of last week....Mrs. Hannah SMITH, of
Valisca, Ia., is the guest of her brother, Mr. C.H. COOK and family...While
playing around the barn, Harry, the little son of Hiram PICKARD sustained a
severe injury caused by the barn door falling on him. His head was cut quite
severely. A physician was summoned and the little fellow was made as
comfortable as possible.....Mrs. WILTSEE  and daughter returned from
Summitville Saturday after several weeks visit with Mr. Ches WATSON and
family.....The local union of the Y.P.S.C.E. held their annual picnic at
Pidgeons grove Saturday. A very interesting program was given in the
afternoon, after which various amusements were engaged in.....Mr and Mrs
I.A. RICE entertained a number of the young people at their home north of
Salem Saturday evening. A good time is always assured at this hospitable
home.....Miss Mae ARNOLD and Miss Isabel and Master Arnold PITTINGER are the
guests of relatives at this place.....Mr. Will MELCHER was in town the first
of the week.....Born to Mr and Mrs Grant CORSBIE, July 30, a daughter.....
Miss HARTLEY, of Des Moines, is visiting relatives in this vicinity.....Miss
Rose TRUEBLOOD, who resides northeast of town is very low with
consumption.....J.M. MARTIN is compiling a manual of the Congregational
church. Mr. MARTIN deserves great credit for the careful and untiring effort
that he has put forth to complete this work.....A.J. EVANS, business manager
of the Gate City spent Thursday the guest of his uncle, Dr. EVANS.....A
lightning tooth extractor was in town Friday night and amused the small boy
by throwing coins into the street. He concluded Salem was a poor field to
work in, and passed on the same night.....Rev. and Mrs. BEARDSLEY have moved
their household goods here and are now at home in the house recently erected
by Rev. BRIGGS.....The Congregational church was filled to overflowing to
hear the very excellent report of teh national C.E. convention recently held
at San Francisco. The report was given by Miss Jennie SAVAGE. A special
feature of the evening was a quartette by Misses Bertha and Lillie LESTER
and Rev. BEARDSLEY and Mr. Samuel SAVAGE.

New London, Ia., Aug. 2, '97. (Correspondence) Mr. Mert VAN HYNING left
Friday afternoon for Estherville, Ia., where he will run an engine during
the threshing season.....A new stone crossing will be put in near Mr.
PENNEBAKER's residence...Mr. DARLING has moved his dental office from the
Dunlap building to the rooms over the P.O.....Mr. Samuel SMITH is slowly
recovering from his stroke of paralysis.....Mr. Louis HAMORTH lost a fine
horse on account of the heat Saturday.....Will WATKINS, of Dennison, Texas,
is visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary WATKINS.....Miss Maud DUTTON of Mt
Pleasant, spent a few days of last week in this city as the guest of the
Misses Josephine and Nellie SHOPBELL.....Mr. Frank GABBERT of Ottumwa, spent
Sunday in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. GABBERT.....Mr. J.E.
PETERSON leaves this evening for Chicago where he goes to purchase his fall
stock of dry goods.....Mr. William WHITAKER will leave Tuesday for
Jamestown, S.D. after a pleasant visit with friends here.....Mrs. J.E.
PETERSON and children are visting at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs.
Samuel LEE.....Miss Ellah STAEBLER wetn to work in J.E. PETERSON's store
this morning.....Mr. CANADAY of Lowell spent Sunday in the city with his
son, Ed. CANADAY.....Miss Ellah STAEBLER and Miss Millie KUNATH attended the
band concert in Danville Saturday night.....Judging from the reports that
reach the city as to the conduct of some who attend the camp meeting north
of town, that a few police officers would be useful in preserving
order.....Dr. COOK, of West Point, will open up an office over the post
office this week.....Mrs. Jessie GANNAWAY and daughter, of Atchison, Kan.,
arrived in the city Saturday evening and will spend a short time with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LEE. Mr. GANNAWAY will arrive in a few
days.....Mr. W.T. SISSON, of Ottumwa, was in the city last week.....Miss
Minnie HARVEYGO returned to her home in Estherville, Ia., last Friday, after
a few weeks visit with relatives near this city.....Miss Minnie NEWTON and
Miss Hattie BURTON of Mt Pleasant, were in the city Thursday.....Miss Dee
COPELIN, who is employed as a stenographer in Burlington spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. COPELIN...Miss HANSON, of Mt Pleasant, was the
guest over Sunday of her friend, Miss Francis CODNER.....Mr. Silas HORNIE
left Saturday morning for Lilltown, Ill., where he was called by the serious
illness of his father.....Messrs. Green LEE and Frank SKIPTON went ot
Chicago with stock last Tuesday.....Miss Minnie WARDELL, of East St. Louis,
attended the funeral of Mr. John Q.A. PIERSON.....Mr. W.B. GANNAWAY spent
Thursday in the county seat.....Mrs. Nell ROOT and son, of Burlington, spent
last week with her mother, Mrs. GREENFIELD.....Mr. J.R. HITCHCOCK was in Mt.
Pleasant last Thursday afternoon.....Miss Nellie SEYMOUR was a county seat
visitor the first of last week.....Mr. Hamilton SMITH made a business trip
to Nevada, Ia., last week.....Mrs. William PIERCE and children have returned
to their home in Burlington after a few days visit at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. J.H. PHILPOTT.....Mr. Ed LYMAN spent a few days of last week with
friends in Danville.....Miss Pearl HUNTER was a guest in Winfield last
week.....Dr. and Mrs. J.W. ADAMS, of New Orleans and Mr. C.C. KNIGHT, of St.
Louis, are visiting at the home of Will ANDREWS.....Mr. Frank SAUNDERSON and
daughter, of Keokuk are the guests of relatives in this city.....Mrs.
Millard PARROTT and daughter spent last week in Danville with
relatives.....Ralph ROBERTS, of Audubon, Ia., is visiting at the home of Mr.
William WELLER.....Dr. McCLURE, of Mt. Pleasant was calling on friends in
this city last Tuesday.....It has been announced that Senator John H. GEAR
and Dr. McCLURE will each deliver an address at the Old Settler's meeting,
which will be held Aug 21.....The condition of John FLEANOR, who was hurt
last week by a falling pitchfork, remains about the same, with a small
chance for him to recover.....Mr. Lias LEE is improving the property he
recently purchased from Smith DREWER.....Mrs. J.W. SEYMOUR has returned from
a visit with friends in Mt. Union.....The camp meeting south of town is well
attended. Rev. NEWELL has charge.

[Submitted by CJL]

Mount Pleasant Daily News, Tuesday, August 17, 1897


New London, Ia., Aug. 16, ’97 (Correspondence)

Mrs. May Wright Hausencleaver (sic Hasenclever) died Wednesday evening, August 11, 1897.  The Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, August 12.  Rev. J. F. Miller had charge of the funeral services.  The remains were interred in the Ramsey cemetery.  The deceased was one of the most popular young women in the community in which she lived and she will be sadly missed by a large circle of friends.  She was married less than a year ago, and her death is a cruel blow to the young husband that time alone can remedy.  To all the sorrowing relations is extended the sympathy of a large circle of friends.

Among those out of town who attended the funeral of Mrs. May Wright Hausencleaver (sic) last Thursday were Mrs. Lizzie Russell from Burlington, Mr. Henry Mehler, and Rev. J. S. Miller of Mt. Pleasant, and Mr. and Mrs. Hausencleaver (sic) from Burlington.

[transcribed by L.Z., Mar 2020]


Iowa Old Press
Henry County