Iowa Old Press

Mt. Pleasant Weekly News
Mount Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1896


Twelve men, good and true, filed into this courtroom last Thursday and by a
curious co-incident as each man passed over the threshold, the old court
clock that has looked down upon many a sad chapter of human history, pealed
out the midnight hour, and seemed, as it were, presaging the fate of Bert
COOPER, whose defense had been weighed in the balance and found sadly
The jury had found him guilty of one of the most heinous crimes in the
catalogue of crime, the seduction and ruin of a simple-minded, trusting
It took but one ballot to decide the case, although the jury was out about
eight hours. The case was throughly gone over, the instructions carefully
read, and the evidence sifted to the bottom, and then the vote stood 12-0.
As to the guilt of the defendant there could be no possible doubt, in the
mind of the court, jury or those who heard the trial. The verdict was
received by Mr. O.M. JERREL and COOPER allowed to go on his appearance bond.
He will be sentenced next week. The statutes provide as punishment for this
crime a penitentiary sentence not to exceed five years, or a fine of
$1000.00 and an imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one year. It
is thought he will get about four years at Ft. Madison.
The testimony and details of the trial have been shocking, but have been
listened to with relish by a court room crowded with brave men. The state
made a very strong case and had for its witnesses, Misses Etta and Gertrude
BROWN, Eli and Isaac BROWN, Geo. VAN BEEK, Chas. and John COOPER, Mary
PUTNAM, Mrs. Deborah GRIMM, Mrs. Belle HARTLEY, J. D. HARSHMAN, Jno.
GUSTIN. The general tone and their evidence was, that the girl of good
character and that for eighteen months in question, COOPER was her sole
The defense attempted to prove that she was grossly immoral and was
indiscriminate in her choice of company.
The witnesses for the defense were: Harry and Hannah HAYES, Fred STRINGER,
Dr. J.M. EVANS, Mrs. Albert TULLUS, Wm. McMUNER, Mrs. Chas JACKSON, Mrs.
Isaac STETLER, John YANNAWAY, Henry HUMMELL and  Harry McDOWELL, and the
defendant, Bert COOPER.
The testimony of COOPER and STRINGER, was of the most astonishing character
and certainly added nothing to their own reputation, if they possess one. At
the conclusion of the testimony, States Attorney KOPP made a strong speech
for the conviction of COOPER, while PALMER followed with a two hour plea for
his acquittal. Judge BABB closed the debate in his own masterful way, and
after the instructions from the court the jury retired.

New London, Iowa, Oct. 1-(Special). Mrs. David TRESSLER died this morning at
7 o'clock having been gradually sinking from the effects of a stroke of
paralysis she received a few days ago. The funeral takes place tomorrow
afternoon from the M.E. church at 2 o'clock.

Death of Isaac H. GARRETSON
Isaac H. GARRETSON died on yesterday (Friday) afternoon, Oct. 2nd. at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Eliza G. RHODES, in this city. Mr. GARRETSON was
one of our old pioneers, wll and favorably known all over the county, where
he resided until his removal here about seventeen years ago. Mr. GARRETSON
was one of a family noted for their inventive genius. He himself invented a
loom, which proved a wonderful labor saver. It is also said he ws in reality
the first inventor of the drop corn planter, but his invention was
appropriated by other parties who made a fortune out of it, while, as is
usually the case, the inventor himself realized but a mere pittance.
The funeral will be held from the home on West Madison street, on Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are requested to be present.

>From Friday's Daily Edition
Mrs. ALLSWORTH and Misses Nona and Mame SPAHR left this noon for a visit to

Miss Harriet SCHLELFER left yesterday noon for a weeks' stay in Burlington.

Hon. H.R. LYONS of Winfield, was one of the pleasant callers at the News
office today.

Judge and Mrs. ROGERS of Denver, Colorado, are guests of their cousin, Mrs.

Mrand Mrs. Elmer SIBERTS, who are attending the MYERS case are in Burlington
this afternoon.

Mr and Mrs. A.E. PERRY returned last night from an extended visit with their
daughter at De Soto, Missouri.

Mrs. Maud Denney STEWART of Washington is visiting in the city and will
attend the DAVIS wedding.

Robert S GILLIS and N.B. ANDREWS, of Mt Pleasant, were in the city over
night-Ottumwa Republican.

The Ottumwa Republican prublished some of Rev. STODDARD's Pulpit Editorials
and calls them unvarnished truths.

Mrs. Mary DEWEY left this morning for Chicago, where she will make her home
with her daughter, Mrs. Emily BURLEIGH.

Mrs. Mary HANAPHY and sister, Miss Etta JONES are in Burlington attending
the semi-centennial and visiting friends.

Miss Jessie JOHNSON and Miss Bertha SCHNURR will leave for Burlington
tomorrow to attend the semi-centennial celebration.

The houses of Mr and Mrs McCOLLUM, Mr and Mrs Harry GOOSEMAN, Mr and Mrs.
Smith ROSS are rejoicing over the arrival of a little girl in each home.

Mrs. Adeline ALLENDER and daughter, Martha, of Wayland, Iowa, left this noon
to visit with relatives.

>From Saturday's Daily Edition
Mrs. COMSTOCK has gone to Chicago for a lengthy visit with her daughter,
Mrs. E.C. COLE.

Judge BABB attended the semi-centennial banquet at Burlington Thursday

Mr. Smith SAUNDERS, of Omaha, is in the city, called by the serious illness
of his mother, Mrs. Huldah SAUNDERS.

Mrs. Clara KOPP entertained here old schoolmates and young friends yesterday
afternoon, in honor of Miss Miriam WOOLSON.

Mr. J.H. WALLBANK is putting expensive improvements upon his building
opposite the court house.

Mt. Pleasant Weekly News
Mt. Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1896

COCHRAN Case Still in Progress, Other Court Matters.

Henry LORIG was indicted on the charge of defacing Jane SHERIDAN's domicile
by throwing brick bats. He plead not guilty, and then changed his mind and
plead guilty. The Court then fined him $15.00 and the costs of the
proceedings. Mr. LORIG paid his fine, but the costs, amounting to $14.95 are
still pending against him.

By an agreement between the councel and the Court, the trial of Daniel
HATHAWAY, for obstructing a highway, was continued until next term.

Francis C.B. EDWARDS vs C.W. PAYNE, damages, continued.

W.R. HILL vs. Sam V. O'HARE, debt. Judgment against defendant.

Ora SMITH vs Chas. BARR; bastardy, default of defendant.

Mary E FOYLE vs D.W. FOYLE; account, Dismissed.

Chas. GREEN vs. James HART; note. Default against defendant.

Caroline E. BRENHOLZ et al vs HERVEY CRANE. Referza, discharged.

Rob M CARRON vs Leslie J CARRON; partition. Decree signed.

State vs Theo BRUGGEMYER, injunction. Default of def't.

Jesse B COCHRAN vs Jesse C COCHRAN; divorce. Default of defendant.

Irene ABERSON vs. John ABERSON; divorce. Default of debt.

Amanda WYSE vs Wm. WYSE; partition. Decree signed.

Sarah J ALLEN vs Wm. ALLEN; divorce. Default against debt.

Clara E MARTIN vs Rush A GOAN; injunctino. Omitted from docket.

Will of Sarah O. NORTHRUP admitted to probate.

Estate of Jas. MASSEY. Final report approved ad a'd'm discharged.

Christian WENGER, Guard. vs Aaron WYSE and Amos WYSE. Report of sale of real
estate approved.

Estate of Andrew LAUDER. Final report approved and a'd'm'r discharged.

F.R. WILSON vs Mary C JAY. Final report of temporary guardian approved and
guardian discharged.

J.L. LAIRD vs Anna T CONRAD. Orders for sale of real estate signed.

Will of Ambrose MOORE admitted to probate.

Will of Israel ROSS admitted to probate.

Will of Peter E BOSHART admitted to probate.

Guardian of Mary E HILDRETH. Annual report approved.

Estate of R. AMBLER. Additional relowance made widow.

Estate of Jas. LEEPER. Final report approved ad executor discharged.

Estate of Ambrose MOORE. Widow given extra allowance of $200.00 and special
report approved ad a'd'm'x discharged.

New London, Iowa. Oct. 17-Mr John BEYER returned from Nebraska this week,
where he has been spending several weeks for the benefit of his health. His
many friends regret that he has not made marked improvement.....Miss
ANDREWS, daughter of Asa ANDREWS, Anamosa, Ia., is visiting Mr and Mrs Wells
ANDREWS.....Mrs. Lucy SMITH and daughter were visiting James HOBBS and
family this week.....The Methodist social at the home of Mrs ANDREWS,
Thursday evening, was a success, socially and financially.....

Hillsboro, Iwoa, Oct 19. (Correspondence)- Miss Mamie WOODS, of Ft Madison,
formerly of Hillsboro, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Kate BILLINGSLEY
and other friends.....Mrs. Carrie HARRIS and little daughter, Pauline, who
were called to Mr Pleasant two weeks ago by the sickness of Mrs. Carrie
BRYANT, is still in that city.....Messrs. Harry McCOY, W.M. GALER, and G.W.
ALTON were callers at Mt Pleasant during the middle of the week.....Messrs.
STONEHOUSE and Boyd HIXON are making preparations for erecting each a new
dwelling house this Fall.....Considerable enthusiasm was manifested last
Thursday evening, showing the appreciation of our fellow townsmen of years
gone by, Hon. Ex Gov. NEWBOLD and Hon. Roger GALOR, by greeting them with
more than a crowded house. The Hall was packed to its utmost capacity and it
was estimated there were fully as many outside who could not gain entrance,
as there were in the Hall. The subject discussed by these gentlemen was the
"tariff" and "free silver". Between the two addresses which were able as
well as interesting a campaign song was given by the Glee Club and at its
close, one by our well known citizen, W.E. FEREE, of his own composing. The
McKinley and Hobart Club was out in full force as well as members from other
clubs from a distance, so that we had plenty of good music as well as
rousing cheers for McKinley.....Mr and Mrs Frank WATTS and Fred WATTS
Sundayed with friends in Bonaparte.....Born to Mr and Mrs Herman SCHULTZ,
Oct. 18, a daughter.....Miss June PERCIVAL, of Howe's Academy and Mr Charley
COCHRAN, of the L.W.U. Sundayed at home.....The Ladies Aid Society meets at
the residence of Mrs HIDE, Thursday p.m. at 2 o'clock.....Our public school
is progressing finely, under the management of Prof. BARTON and Miss
BURTON.....Miss Emma PRIDDY is teaching the Boyles school, commencing one
week ago today.....Our Milliners, Mrs. John WILLIAMSON and Mrs. A.O.
LINDSEY, are at their respective places of business ready to serve the
public with Fall styles of hats and bonnets.


Oct. 15, 1896- There is considerable sickness in the country.....Mrs. David
HESS, living between Winfield and Beulah, is very sick with lung
trouble.....Little Gracie McCOSH, daughter of Mr Will McCOSH, is very sick
with a complication of diseases.....Mrs. Douglas SKIPTON is quite recently
ill and we hear that Mr. A CANBY is also on the sick list.....Mrs. ALBERSON,
of your city spent several days at the home of her son, Orville ALBERSON,
whose wife is quite seriously ill.


Vega, Iowa, Oct. 19, 1896. (Correspondence) Miss Kate NAU is visiting her
sister at Lenox, Iowa.....Mr Fred YAKLE and family, of Bloomfield, are
visiting friends and transacting business in the neighborhood.....J.P.
CHEZUM and John *owen were in Fairfield Saturday.....B.F. BOWERS fine
residence was destroyed by fire Saturday morning causing a $10,000 loss with
$5,000 insurance $2000 in the Jefferson Co. Mutual and $3000 in the Des
Moines, of Des Moines.....Doc ELLIOTT and Harry JACKSON, of Rome, returned
Friday eve from Missouri with a load of apples. They report apples scarce
down there, but a great many Free Silverites.....Married Wednesday, Mr. A.W.
ANDERSON and Miss Anna CHEZUM. The young people left on the evening train
for Chicago, where they will spend a few days, and then they will return to
Milburn, Ill., where Mr ANDERSON is the popular telegraph operator.....Rev.
THOMAS preached at Union Sunday afternoon.

Feather Boas, sylish and dressy. The Big Store Shows a fine assortment.
Kip Glove Sale at Dennis MORONY's. Choice of all my fine kid gloves at 99
cents. Terms cash. Dennis MORONY.

Notice to Defendant of Garnishment.
In the District Court Henry County, November Term, 1896.
Leroy KNICKERBOCKER, Plaintiff
M.C. WILSON, Defendant
To M.C. WILSON, Defendant
YOu are hereby notified that on the 15th day of October, 1896, the National
State Bank of Mt Pleasant, Iowa, was attached as garnishee in the above
entitled cause as a supposed debtor, or as a person holding property
belonging to you and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon
of the first day of the term of the said District Court of Henry County,
Iowa, commencing on the 30th day of November, 1896, a default will be
entered against you and judgment will be rendered thereon against said
garnishee, condemning the property or debts in his hands belonging to you or
which may hereafter become due.
GALER & GOAN, Attorneys for the plaintiff
Notice to Defendant of Garnishment
In the District Court, Henry County, November Term, 1896.
Hannah WHITE, Plaintiff,
M.C. Wilson, Defendant.
To M.C. WILSON, Defendant
YOu are hereby notified that on the 15th day of October, 1896, the National
State Bank of Mt Pleasant, Iowa, was attached as garnishee in the above
entitled cause as a supposed debtor, or as a person holding property
belonging to you and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon
of the first day of the term of the said District Court of Henry County,
Iowa, commencing on the 30th day of November, 1896, a default will be
entered against you and judgment will be rendered thereon against said
garnishee, condemning the property or debts in his hands belonging to you or
which may hereafter become due.
GALER & GOAN, Attorneys for the plaintiff

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County