Iowa Old Press

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry Co, Iowa
Wednesday, July 1, 1896

>From Wednesday's Daily Edition

Miss Alice HUTTON and Clara HOBART returned last night from Ft.Madison.

Mr. Chas. E. LEEDHAM, fo New London, was a pleasant caller at the NEWS
office today.

Mr. F.B. BISHOP, of New London, is attending to some business matters in
this city.

The C.B. & Q. carried 345 cars of stock through here on Sunday last.
Business is picking up.

Mrs. Abbie CRANE has been appointed by the clerk of the court guardian of
her four minor children.

A marriage license was issued yesterday to Mr. Geo E CRABB and Miss Linnie
LYMAN, both of New London.

The families of Messrs. SCHLEIP, JERICHO, MELCHER and GRAN, together with
some Burlington friends, picniced at the water works yesterday.

Miss Sadie HOCKSTRESSER, of Wyoming, Ill. and Mrs. Kate KRIEG of Burlington,
are visiting at the home of Mrs. Mary MELCHER on North Jackson street.

This morning at St. Alphonsus church, Rev. Father BASSLER officiating, were
married Mr. John FITZPATRICK and Miss Marguerite McCORMICK, both of New
London township.

Miss Lulu SATTERTHWAIT arrived home last night from Pasadena, Cal. She has
been absent about two years.

Misses Lizzie and Annie DUNGAN have returned from Minneapolis, Minn. to
spend the summer with their mother.

Miss Stella ELLIOTT came from Lincoln, Neb. last night to make an extended
visit with relatives here.

Mrs. LINN, who has been making an extended visit with her son, Dr. E.G.
LINN, left last night for Pennsylvania where she will visit other relatives.

Miss Fannie JONES, who has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Geo. E.
THROOP, left this noon for Galesburg, Ill., and after a short visit with the
friends there will return to her home in Peoria.

Miss Kate WINANE, who has just graduated from a school near Chicago, stopped
off here for a short visit with relatives and friends last night. She is on
her way to her home at Los Angeles, California.

Rev. O.B. SARBER is something of a gardener as well as a preacher. He hands
us a smooth, ripe tomato picked in his garden yesterday. Ripe tomatoes in
the garden on the 24th of June is something of a novelty, even in this
progressive country.

Work has commenced on the re-building of Alfred BEATTY's home on Marion
street which was so nearly destroyed by fire last week. He will erect a very
comfortable structure on the ruins of the old house. The property was
insured and a settlement was reached with the insurance adjuster with no

In Justice BURTON's court this morning Henry LORIG was bound over to the
grand jury for throwing stones at the house of Mrs. Jane FORD, breaking in
the doors and otherwise damaging the building. W.F. KOPP appeared for the
state and H.A. AMBLER for LORIG. In this connection, it may be of interest
to note that, in the presence of witnesses LORIG declared that he was the
person who set fire to Billy McCARTY's house on North Lincoln street, and
that he was well paid for it by Mrs. FORD, who expected to get the insurance

>From Friday's Daily Edition
Mr. Leslie CARRON went west this afternoon.

Miss Katie JONES is in Burlington visiting friends.

Mr. Ackley BAXTER returned to his home at Des Moines this morning.

Mrs. S.H. OSGOOD came in from Rushville, Ill., last night to visit friends.

Dr. PITMAN and family and Mr. W.S. KESTER of Salem, were Mt Pleasant
visitors today.

Mr. Thomas PITTINGER, fo Memphis, Tenn., is in the city visiting his parents
and friends.

Mrs. Joel VAN CISE and son Edwin have left for Deadwood, South Dakota, and
an extended trip through the west.

Ex. U.S. Senator Lyman TRUMBULL, of Illinois, died yesterday morning aged 83
years. He had been dangerously ill for some time.

Prof. ROMMEL was yesterday elected as Treasurer of the State Music Teachers'
Association, which is now in session in Oskalooska.

Mr and Mrs. DeWitt TAYLOR, Mr and Mrs. J.R. DAVIDSON, Miss Blanche PERCIVAL,
Mrs. Willis SMUTZ and Miss Mabel HARLAN, all of Hillsboro, were in the city

Miss Sadie MILNER, of Oakland Mills, died last night, after a long and
painful sickness. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Saturday, at her
father's home, south of Oakland Mills. The hour of the funeral will be 9
o'clock a.m.

Last Wednesday Mrs. Chas. HAMMER was pleasantly surprised by quite a company
of her friends, the occasion being the celebration of her birthday. Several
beautiful presents were given her by Mrs. EKEBURG, Mrs. OLSON, Mrs. SWANSON,
Mrs. CARLSON, Mrs. WIKSTROM and Miss LINDBERG and others. The party was
treated to a nice tea and had a very nice time.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County