Iowa Old Press

Mt. Pleasant Daily News
Mt. Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa
Tuesday, January 7, 1896

Denova, Ia. Jan.6, 1896 [Correspondence.]  This is such a balmy day, that we
can hardly realize we have been having zero weather.…Misses Jennie and Viola
Smith, after spending two weeks with the home folks, have returned to their
school work at Winfield…The many friends of Miss Laura Welch in this
vicinity congratulate her upon her election to a position in the Mt.
Pleasant schools.…Messrs Winfield and Melvin Smith spent Sunday at
home…Though the event is a little old, we would say that the handsome
present on the Xmas tree at Cedar was a fine Elgin gold watch and chain, the
recipient being Mrs. Edgar Scott…..Quite a number of friends and relatives
partook of turkey and escalloped oysters at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.L.
Brown on New Years’ Day.  The same company, with the exception of a few
omissions and several additions, ate turkey with Mr. and Mrs. N.S. Trueblood
on Sunday last.  A very enjoyable time is reported from both places.
Crokinole, muggins and music being the pastimes engaged in …..Miss Libbie
Smith returned to Whittier Sunday pm., after spending Saturday and Sunday
with her parents….Miss Della Gapin and Miss Ethel Mendenhall are taking
music lessons of Mrs. X H Arnold.…T E Savage boarded the train at this place
Saturday for Mt. Pleasant….Miss Rosa Trueblood, of West Grove, has been
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Eliza Stout and her sister, Miss Lizzie, for a few
days…..Mr. John Moon is again visiting friends and relatives in the
neighborhood….Mr. John Hobbs Sundayed at home [so he says]….While we are
very sorry for the destruction of Mr. Smith’s tin whistle, we hope Santa
Claus will not fail to replace it, at least with a rattle box next
Xmas…..The protracted meeting at Cedar continues….Mr. Elias Osborne and son,
of Kansas, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Rebecca Hodson….Messrs Elmer Brown
and John A. Hobbs were in Trenton and Merrimac Thursday and Friday on
business…..Miss Ella Spray spent Sunday at home….Mr. and Mrs. M D K Weimar
spent New Years with Mrs. Weimar’s sister, Mrs. Spray…..Miss Birdie Leste
r, of Salem, begins a class in music in this vicinity to-morrow
[Tuesday]….Some of our critical people think if some of the members of the
literary society would write their own essays, they might be able to read
them with less light and more fluency….At a recent session of the society at
this place, two “papers” were read.  In one [of] them the solution of a
great mystery was presented to the people, viz: the identity of the Denova
correspondent to the NEWS.  The fair editress went on to say that the items
came chiefly from “The Land of the Brownies.”  Now we were not aware that
any one was feeling slighted; hereafter we will endeavor to glean a fair
portion of our items from “Smithville”.

Submitted by P.R.W., March 2006


Iowa Old Press
Henry County