Iowa Old Press

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt. Pleasant, Henry Co, Iowa
Wednesday Feb 5, 1896

Mr. Peter O'Loughlin, one of the staunch business men of Henry county, a
man, who, by natural ability and untiring energy arose from the conditions
of a comparatively poor man, to wealth and influence, died at his home in
Rome on Sunday evening about 10 o'clock. Mr. O'Loughlin has been an invalid
for a great many years, and his demise was really a blessing to him. His
case was a peculiar one, and no hopes were entertained from the beginning
that he would ever recover. The immediate cause of death was pneumonia.
Peter O'Loughlin was born in the County Clare, Ireland, in 1839. While yet a
young man he emigrated to America and settled in New Jersey in 1857. In 1858
he came west and settled in Henry county, at Rome, then a stirring village.
He received a business education in Burlington and afterward entered the
flooring business firm of O'Loughlin Bros. His heart feeling the emotions of
love too strong to withstand, his mind naturally reverted to Old Ireland the
land of his birth, and the home of his loved one. In 1865 he went home to
Ireland and secured his bride. He was married to Miss Margaret Quinn. This
good couple were blessed with six children. The elder daughter, the mother's
namesake, passed from life a few years ago and left a void in the family
circle. The other children, Michael, James, Peter, Jr., Patrick and Marie,
were present at the bedside of their father.
Mr. O'Loughlin, while in health, before the sad affliction befel him, was
recognized as being one of the best financiers and business men in the
county. He was noted for his integrity and honor. His word was as good as
his bond. His friends were many and true. His good wife, during the whole
period of his infirmity has been a noble and true support. Her life must
have been sad, but how sweet to think she did her very best. Her reward will
be great.
The funeral services took place at St. Alphonsus Catholic church this
morning, Rev. Father Bassler conducting the services. his remains were laid
to rest in the Catholic cemetery.
Requiescat in Pace.

...Last Saturday Mrs. Mary E FOGLE sued her son, D.W. FOGLE, on an account
amounting to $89 before Justice MARTIN. A change of venue was taken by Mr.
FOGLE to Justice E.P. LINN. Mr. W.H. HUNTER apeared for plaintiff and T.B
SNYDER of Ft. Madison for defendant. Justice LINN did not give a decision
until Tuesday, when he rendered judgment for $11 and costs in favor of
plaintiff...Dr. and Mrs. Orr LAWSON were pleasantly surprised Monday
evening, when about seventy members of the Presbyterian congregation
appeared at their home. Each one brought a pound of some article as a
donation, and also provisions for a splendid supper. The evening was passed
pleasantly in social pleasure...Surveyor SCHREINER, of Mt Pleasant, was in
town Tuesday and laid off into twenty-two lots the four acres in the north
part of the city belonging to C E MAGERS and Antone TOTEMEIR...Mr. Charles W
FOSDICK, of Blythedale, Mo. lectured before a large audience at the M P
church Tuesday night on "Five Hundred Days in Rebel Prisons. Mr. FOSDICK
showed himself thoroughly familiar with his subject, having had personal
experience in Andersonville prison...J.E .PETERSON has sold two lots in the
south side addition to Mr .T.W NEELER, north of Mt Pleasant. Mr. NEEDLER
[different spelling] will build a residence and become a citizen of this
place...Dr. Drenan RITCHEY arrived Wednesday evening, bringing with him a
bride, Miss Gertie DERMITT, of Indianapolis, Ind. The wedding occurred
Wednesday morning at Indianapolis. On Thursday a pleasant reception was
given them by relatives and friends at their home east of here...Mr A D
HAYES, who was elected justice of the peace on the republican ticket last
fall, has refused to qualify and an appointment will soon be made by the
township trustees, upon an order from the county auditor...The lower grades
in our public schools are reported to be over-crowded, and the question of
adding an addition to the school building will probably be an issue at the
coming school election...The following real estate transfer is reported: New
London Land Co to Linsey COX, lot 2 in block 4, New London Land Cos first
addition; consideration $33.00...Mr Irwin KENYON formerly a resident of this
city, has been in this locality for a few days looking over the territory
south of here for good hoop pole timber. He operates a hoop pole factory in
Missouri and has in view the establishment of such a concern here providing
he can find the suitable material...NUGEN brothers shipped a car of hogs to
Chicago Thursday...

...A primary has been called for next Saturday evening at A.H. GABBERT's
grocery to nominate a ticket for the coming city election...Mr. E.M.
JOHNSON, teacher at Union School, is quite seriously ill at the home of
Walter BISHOP...Mrs. O.G. FOGGY is reported much worse and is not expected
to live. Her sister, Mrs. Nellie SANDERSON, of Ottumwa, is at her
bedside...John O'LOUGHLIN was summoned to Rome today by the death of Mr.
Peter O'LOUGHLIN...Frank LOMAX and family of Lomax, Ill., are guests at

Rome, Ia., Feb 9th-(Correspondence) J.D. BAKER and H.C. FREEMAN were Mt
Pleasant visitors Saturday...Charles STEPHENS and Ervin WEHRLE were
Burlington visitors Saturday...James HARLAN was a Mt Pleasant visitor
Saturday...Mrs .Ollie HUDDLESTON is reported quite sick...The condition of
J.H. DUNLAP, who has been sick for some time, remains unchanged...Mr. B F
HOLLEY came in from Ottumwa for a few days visit at home...Rev. OSBORN will
preach at the M.E. Church Sunday evening...A enjoyable dance was given at
the home of Mr James SWAILES Saturday evening...J. KINNEY was a Mt Pleasant
visitor Saturday...Mr E. BELL came out from Mt Pleasant and spent Sunday
with friends...Miss Maggie COUGHLIN spent Sunday at her home in Mt
Pleasant...Mrs. Ellen TRACY is visiting her daughter Mrs. Dora LUELLEN of
Burlington...Mr Oscar ANDERSON of Galesburg, is visiting at this
place...Friday, February 14th will be the last day of our school and
preparations have been made for an exhibition at the opera house Saturday
evening Feb. 15th. Several fine plays will be presented and there will also
be singing and drills. On account of the expenses of getting the things
needed in the show, 5 and 10 cents will be charged. It is expected that a
large crowd will be present. The doors will open at seven and the curtain
will rise at 8:15. Following the plays and the names of the persons that
will take part in them: "My Jeremiah", Grace STETLER, Blanche BEABER, Harvey
FREEMAN, Arthur DOLD, Clyde BELL. "Mike Donovan's Courtship," Claude
STETLER, Lizzie DICUS, Edna BEABER, Ora DICUS. "Our Awful Aunt," Maggie
WALKER, Myrtle JACKSON, Harvey FREEMAN, Wm. BELL, Jr. "The Kansas
Immigrant," Robert DOWNING, Albert ANDERSON, Wm BELL, Jr., Edna BEABER, J
JACKSON and A. CARLSON...The roads still remain in an almost impassable
condition and there are few farmers that come to town to trade...Rev GAINS
of Danville has been conducting a revival meeting at the Baptist church. He
is an interesting talker and the meetings have been well attended. Rev
CATLIN of Fairfield has been assisting him.

The following is a list of real estate transfers in Henry County as taken
from the records by GALER & GOAN, Feb. 3 to Feb. 10, 1896:
R Henry MITCHELL and wife to Chris ENSWINGER, E20a N30a NW SE sec 29,
Trenton twp...$550
Melissa J LAZENBY to Mary L MILNER, S23a of W46a of N1/2 SW1/4 and N1/2
SW1/4 SW1/4 sec 25 Tippecanoe township, 43a...$1,100
William VAN SANT and wife to Emma MILLER, lot 10 Krabills add to Wayland,

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County