Iowa Old Press

Mt Pleasant Weekly News
Mt Pleasant, Henry, Iowa
Jan. 23, 1895

New London, Ia., Jan 21- (Correspondence). There was a pleasant gathering of
people at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. CRANE on Saturday, the event being
the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. The celebration comes as a
surprise to this aged couple, who have lived together during this long span
of years, the greater part of which has been passed in this locality. Hearty
congratulations were extended to them upon their having reached the golden
wedding. Rev. BISHOP rose to the occasion with some appropriate remarks and
presented several gifts as tokens of esteem from their friends.....Friday
afternoon a man giving his name as John KELLY came to the livery barn and
hired a team of Earnest MEHL to drive to Hillsboro, stating that he would
return Saturday. The next day Mr. MEHL learned that his team had been sold
to a liveryman in Burlington, and upon going to that city he identified and
obtained possession of his property.....The town was visited Saturday by
some medicine fakirs, who succeeded very cleverly in swindling several of
our credulous citizens out of a nice little sum of money.....Quarterly
meetings were held at the M.E. church Saturday and Sunday, Rev. FILMER, of
Danville, filled the pulpit Sunday morning and Elder COYLEY Sunday
evening.....Mr. C.W. MOORE passed Sunday at his home near Birmingham.....Dr.
MEHLER attened the reception given by the St. Francis hospital in Burlington
Friday evening.....Mrs. J.W. CARDEN entertained a company of her senior lady
friends on Friday.....Mr. and Mrs. J.P. REED were very agreeably surprised
by a party of their friends who gathered at their home last Saturday and
passed several hours in social pleasures.....Mrs. L.M. MUGERS gae a coffee
last Tuesday evening to a company of lady friends who were delightfully
entertained at this elegant home.....Mr. and Mrs. Sam BYERS entertained some
young people from town Tuesday evening.....Last Tuesday occurred the death
of Mr. LAVANDAR, a Swede, who lived south of New London The funeral was held
in the Swedish Lutheran church Thursday and the burial was in the Reese
cemetery.....Mr and Mrs. H. WAGNER are fitting up their building for a
restaurant.....David NUGEN Sr. one of the oldest settlers of this township,
is in a critical condition and is not expected to last many days.....Mrs.
James PUCKETT is having a dwelling built in the south side.....Mr. and Mrs.
John BOOTEN, formerly of Labette Co. Kansas, are guests of Ed. DeGANNO, a
brother of Mrs. BOOTEN. They expect to become residents of this county.....

>From Swedesburg.
SWEDESBURG, Jan 21, '95-(Correspondence) Our enterprising postmaster J.J.
BARKHOF took advantage of the cold weather previous to the present thaw and
stored away some thirty tons of fine crystal looking ice, so the chances are
we can keep cool ee'n next 4th of July.....Dr. GARDNER was a Mt. Pleasant
caller Wednesday.....It was reported today that Mark SCHUTZ who was reported
dangerously sick in Missouri is rapidly improving, waited on by his father
and sister who left here a week ago today. Mrark is one of our "burgites"
and we hope to see him among us again.....C.A. ANDERSON, the genial
bookkeeper of the Biklen Winzer Grocer Co. Burlington, Iowa, came up Friday
morning to visit over Sunday with his mother Mrs. A.S. ANDERSON. Always glad
to see you with us Charles, you don't come too often.....John HOLT was a
caller in your city Wednesday, also his daughter, Lydia who left for a
sojourn at Ottumwa

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Henry County