Iowa Old Press

The Free Press
June 10, 1875
Mount Pleasant, Henry co., Iowa


-- On the third instant, by Rev. Joseph McDowell, Mr.
William Young, of Marion township, and Mrs. Nancy Phillips of this city.

-- On Friday, June 4, at the residence of the bride, by
Rev. P.F. Holtinzinger, Mr. Samuel R. Patton of Illinois, and Mrs. Cynthia
A. Probasco, of this city.


Commencement season approaches, and many homes are preparing for the usual
flock of visitors. ---- Thornt. Bird, Chas. Pennington and Hervey Crane
spent last Thursday night fishing in the waters of the classic Skunk. ---- A
visitor came to H.N. Crane's last Friday-a baby girl. The parents are
happy. ---- Orders continue plenty for Bird's Baking Powder. ---- Albert has
a handsome piano in his ice-cream parlor. ---- Annie Fuller goes to
Philadelphia to study music this fall. ---- Three young ladies are to
graduate from the Seminary this summer. ---- Some Mount Pleasant families
are going to take their vacation this summer at Clear Lake. ---- Sorry to
hear of the illness of Mrs. Shaw. ---- "Another person in jail!" That's the
way Tom Morehead told it, and he only meant that John Maxon, the jailer, was
a happy "parient." ---- Croquet grounds are in order again, but players less
numerous than they used to be. ---- We are glad to see E.H. Weber out again,
much improved in health. ---- Mr. Chas. Holwick is highly complimented for
his work as leader of the Asbury choir. ---- Now are the ministers and
school teachers discussing the important question, where they shall take a
vacation. ---- And of course you will go to the Baptist Church Festival this
evening. ----Rev. I.A. Bradrick preached at Burlington on Sunday. ---- The
Universalists are talking of Sunday School picnic. ----The Musical Society
meets every Thursday evening at the Presbyterian Church, and is prospering
finely under the direction of Prof. Rommel as organist and Prof.
Satterthwait as choister. ---- Rumor says that Mr. Teesdale is soon to
retire from his post as editor of the 'Journal'. ---- Will Charlie Holwick
blunder when he goes for his own license as he did when he went for Mr.
Young's? ---- We learn that Miss Ella Crane will decline a re-engagement
with the Marengo schools next year, and for a time at least remain at
home. ---- "Rattle his bones, over the stones," is now the Cook brothers
favorite tune. ---- Rev. E. Crane preached in Glasgow Sunday. ---- Judge
Palmer was on the sick list the first of the week. ---- Commercial travelers
are now for a season resting from toil. ---- Don't you want a town clock?


...Mrs. Loughridge, of Pella, is in the city visiting her mother...Mrs.
Wright of Macon, Missouri, is visiting Miss Emma Schwenker...Miss Laura
Barclay went to Chariton Wednesday, for a three weeks' visit...Miss Mary
Hawkins is home from Des Moines, where she has been teaching during the
winter...Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Zeigler, of Nebraska, are visiting in the
county...J.T. Brooks, a graduate of the I.W.U., who has been teaching in
Glenwood during the winter, is back in Mt. Pleasant for Commencement...David
Fisher returned last week from a four months' visit in Pennsylvania, among
relatives and friends...Messrs. John T. Wheeler, Will.Weber and Chas. Ives
of Burlington attended the party at Mr. Cooper's, last Thursday
evening...C.H. Mellen goes to Albia to help build the Knoxville and Des
Moines branch of the C.B. & Q...Mr. W.H. Umstot started to Philadelphia,
last week to spend a brief season among the wholesale men...C.B. Whitford is
now foreman of the Washington 'Chronicle ' news room. His friends here will
be glad to hear of his promotion...Mrs. J.G. Van Cise and children, with her
cousin Miss Bell Simpson started Wednesday evening for her home in Newark,
New Jersey...Elder N. Corey, of the Christian Church in this city has been
revisiting his old home in Osceola, and the 'New Era' is foolish enough to
think he will go back there to live. It says: "Mr. Corey is a real
congenial, talented christian gentleman, in every sense of that term; and we
hope that ere long he will return with his family to Osceola, to remain


...The people of Mt. Pleasant and Henry County will do well next Monday to
be on their guard for the thieves, pickpockets and gamblers, that invariably
travel with a great show. Don't bring more money than you need with you, and
keep that in a safe place. And let officers and citizens be more than ever
vigilant to the end that none suffer loss. "An ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure."
...Josiah Shipley, of Baltimore township, is the father of more children, we
will wager, than any other man in Henry county. He is only 66 years of age,
has been married twice, his present wife being 45 years old, and he has been
blest with 24 children, 12 by each wife, and 18 of them living. The latest
are twin boys, who arrived a few days since. If there is a man in Henry
county can show a better record than Mr. Shipley, will somebody send us his

...Hobart's new house on Main street next to the railroad, was sold before
it was finished, and the congratulations that have met Mr. Hobart on every
side upon his cosy new home, must now be turned over to Mr. Geo. F. Coats,
who closed a bargain with Mr. Hobart for it, last week. Of course Mr. Coats
made a good investment; Hobart made a handsome profit. This should induce
others possessing capital to invest it in a similar manner, and thus hasten
the building up of the city and their own fortunes in the bargain

...Mt. Pleasant has for several weeks been tormented by the very worst kind
of beggars, a class of large, stout, brawny-armed fellows, who stop into
houses to plead for the gift of a breakfast, a dinner or a supper, telling
usually a pitiful tale of being out of work, or on their way back from
Kansas or Nebraska. Some of these are possibly deserving, but we suspect the
vast majority of them are impostors and will bear watching. A stout,
able-bodied man ought to be ashamed to beg. Let them go to the wood-shed and
saw wood enough to earn a meal...

...In the absence of Rev. J.A. Wilson, Father McDowell preached at Asbury
last Sunday morning

....The carelessness of some young fellow in throwing cigar stumps around,
like to worked a fiery fate for Tiffany's building last Monday

...LOST, at the depot, Wednesday evening, a pair of linen lap robes. The
finder will be rewarded by leaving them with George D. Cook

....LOST, on one of the streets running by the court house, and within a few
blocks of it, a silk pocket handerchief, center white, with reddish stars,
and a blue border. The finder will please leave at this office

...Dr. Hobbs of New London sends us word that a young son of Samuel Martin
of that place was seriously hurt by falling of a bird box, cutting his upper
lip and otherwise injuring him

...As a piece of elegance and beauty in design and execution the new "I.C."
monogram is worthy of all admiration. And then the legend traced by the
delicate symbols of the arrow, heart and anchor, is exceedingly pretty

...Mrs. Burkholder, over Todd's store, on the west side of the square is
doing some very handsome work in painting portraits from photographs. She
has executed several for our citizens that give most excellent satisfaction.
Any persons desiring a large portrait painted would do well to call and see

...Van Allen does not advertise any more but then we can't resist the
temptation to tell the people (without making him any charge) that he has
moved his office to the second story rear on the south east corner of the
square, where he will continue to make the neatest and best abstracts of
title to be got in Henry county...

...The Underground Railroad Convention will begin its session in the M.E.
Church at Salem, on Friday, the 18th inst. A number are expected to attend
from this and adjoining counties

...An ugly accident happened last week in Lyman's Planing Mill, New London.
Mr. Brack Daniel's boy had his hand caught in a circular saw, and the thumb
and fingers taken off

...Somebody attempted to break into the residence of H. Ambler, Esq., last
Saturday night. They were discovered about the time they were ready to be
frightened away by their own racket...LOST, on the Oakland Mills road
between Mt. Pleasant and the river, a pocket-book containing some money, one
five dollar gold piece and other valuables. The finder will be suitably
rewarded by leaving it at this office

...The party given by the "I.C. Sorosis" at the residence of Miss Lillie
Cooper on last Thursday evening was a very pleasant one. The young ladies
looked especially well; the music was excellent, the refreshments rich, the
promenades delightful

...Mr. Harbin has a new side-walk at last. It is well and timely built, but
the exclamations that were both loud and deep, that were drawn out by the
spiteful old steel-trap arrangement that existed there for years, have yet
to be atoned for

...We learn from Mr. Jones that a mail route has been opened from Danville
to Boylestown and Pilot Grove--service to begin July 1. This will be a great
favor to our subscribers at those offices, as they can then receive their
FREE PRESS in much better time...

...Strawberries are getting ripe

...Public Schools close Friday, June 18

...Go to the concert next Wednesday evening

...W.P. Howe has furnished us some excellent locals this week

...The nicest place for a promenade will be at the Baptist church this

...W.R. Hill last week purchased the Dilger property for $2,500. Mr. Hill
will, as we understand, open a grocery there

...The Glorious Fourth approaches, and what arrangements shall be made to
celebrate it here?

...Elam Bone and others advertise for bids to build a school house in
Jefferson township

...Tom Mullins went to Galesburg Tuesday to attend a great fine-stock sale
advertised there for Wednesday

...Geo. H. Lee has removed to Oceola, Iowa, where he has gone into business
with his brother-in-law. Sorry to lose George from Mt. Pleasant

...Mr. Schliep's new house is under roof and windows in. It is an
improvement of which that neighborhood may be proud

...The P.E.O. sisterhood entertained a large party of their friends very
pleasantly at the residence of Miss Ella Killpatrick on Wednesday evening of
this week

...C.H. Peters advertises his City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable in this
issue, also prints a card among the special notices

...A splendid specimen of protrait in crayon by Miss Haidee Long, the
accomplished painting teacher at the Seminary, is on exhibition at H.N.
Crane's bookstore

...The Friends' Quarterly meeting will be held at Prairie Grove, near
Winona, in this county, on the 13th and 14th insts. Some ministers from
abroad are expected...


T.J. Price, the well known merchant at Lowell, has lately sold out his stock
of goods to Dr. Archibald, E.H. Stevenson and J.W. Gregg, who, under the name
of E. Archibald & Co., will continue the business at the old stand.  They are
driving a brisk trade.  The Lowell City Mills being controlled by this firm,
adds largely to their trade and business.  They propose to make some
important repairs in the mill before the season is over.

The Protestant Methodists, we are informed by their pastor, Rev. D.T.
Beckwith, expect to build a new church at Lowell this fall.

Mason M. Stoddard, a merchant at Center, is going into business at New
London, this fall, with E.H. Stevenson.

The Henry County Pottery, near Lowell is now run by Robert Melcher, a son of
Edward Melcher.  They keep some seven or eight hands employed, and in the
summer, besides their stone ware, manufacture large quantities of Draining

J.W. Carson, one and a half miles north of Lowell, is preparing to commence
the manufacture of stone ware.

John Potter, late of Mt. Pleasant, is now established in Lowell, making and
repairing boots and shoes.

We are under many obligations to E.H. Stevenson, of Lowell, for many favors
shown us while there on a recent visit.


Iowa Old Press
Henry County