Iowa Old Press

Mt. Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa
Thursday, April 22, 1875

ACCOMPLISHED ~ Organization of the Band
The FREE PRESS last week asked the citizens of Mt. Pleasant to encourage the
young men who contemplated a new organization of the brass band, and at the
same time spoke of the necessity of such an organization.  Upon the
encouragement thus extended the boys met, organized and assigned the parts
that each was best fitted to play to the respective members.  The new band
consists of nine pieces, Mr. C.M. Snyder is leader and plays first E flat.
M. Campbell second E flat, C.J. Fuller B flat, Frank Lumbard first alto,
H.K. Williams second alto, E.F. Dougherty tenor, Fred Fehse tuba, George
Stough side drum, ?ill Fehse bass drum.

The combination as represented by these gentlemen possesses fine musical
talent, and a great many of the boys extensive practice.  They are
enthusiastic and determined to have a first class band.  It is their
intention whenever the fine weather sets in, to practice extensively of
evenings on the street, and mingle their sweetest strains with the dreams of
many a fair one.  We congratulate the boys, and in the same breath ask our
citizens to extend them every encouragement.  Dont't let this be a failure.
If it is, we will never say band again.

[Submitted by P. R.W., March 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Henry County