Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
September 25, 1914


The death of Alice Jeanette BAIRD took place at Omaha, following an operation September 19, 1914.

The funeral occurred from the Dunlap Congregational Church, Monday, at 3 p.m. conducted by Rev. CONRAD, the pastor. Services were also held in Omaha, which were attended by her fellow nurses in a body.

Alice Jeanette BAIRD was born in Monona County, Iowa, April 20, 1889. She spent all her life in and around Dunlap, until she went into training at "The Omaha General Hospital for Nurses," September 3, 1910. After three years exacting work she graduated, June 2, 1914. During this time at the Training school, she lost six months time on account of sickness, but graduated second in the class. The time lost by sickness was made up by March of this year.

Alice had not only the training of a trained nurse, but also natural aptitude for her work, which she loved. Her touch was of one in sympathy with her patient. Those whom she cared for in sickness remember with gratitude her kindly ministrations. Several have said it has been a comfort to them to think that if they were sick they might be able to secure her to care for them.

She possessed a loving and lovable disposition, a genial, sunny nature, bringing good cheer and sunshine wherever she went. A career of usefulness was before her. She was needed to care for the sick and suffering. But who shall say that her career is ended? May it not be just begun? May it not be a larger service to which she is called? Why not rejoicing because of her promotion? But there must be sorrow at the separation.

She leaves to mourn her loss father and mother, Mr. And Mrs. Malcolm BAIRD; three sisters, Mrs. J.P. LANTZ, Mrs. Lester ROBERTS and Miss Nellie BAIRD; four brothers, William B., Samuel H., James G. and Malcolm Jr.

In her last sickness she accepted Christ and was baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Those who accept Jesus Christ as Savior are some day called from service here to a better service where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary be at rest.

The following friends from Omaha attended the obsequies: Mrs. Leo GREGG, Misses Louise GREGG, Violet GREGG, Nelson and Messrs. Ed SALINAN and Harry BARTHY. Miss NELSON was a former classmate of Miss BAIRD.


Mr. And Mrs. S.A. WOODARD drove to Ute last week, where Mrs. WOODARD entered the hospital and underwent an operation. Latest reports are that she is getting along allright.

Mrs. A.L. JACKSON and daughters, Helen and Bernice, came from Dow City last Friday to attend the musical given by Miss Grace Baughman, at her home last Saturday for her pupils.

Peter THOMPSON drove down to Woodbine Tuesday afternoon taking a load of honey.

MONAHAN brothers and Arthur DRIGGINS had their threshing done this week with the McINTOSH and SMITH machine.

Mr. And Mrs. M.W. KEAIRNES went to Omaha Thursday of last week where Mrs. KEAIRNES entered the Presbyterian hospital for treatment. Sunday Mr. KEAIRNES and daughter, Bertha, went down to see her and found her feeling some better and returned home Sunday evening, but Tuesday mail brought a card telling them that they thought an operation would be necessary, so Mr. KEAIRNES went back Tuesday afternoon.

Otto SMITHERS called Dr. MOORE the veterinary from Dunlap Sunday to doctor one of his horses that has blood poison.

J.L. BUTTERWORTH, of Dow City, was the speaker at the L.D.S. Church Sunday morning.

The BARBER and BLACK families drove to Lake View last Sunday and spent the day.

The band man, C.M. WILDER, of Logan, was at the Grove again Saturday evening and Sunday morning giving the band boys some more drilling. He will be here regular each Saturday evening.

W.L. JACKSON purchased the 60 acre farm of Ren MOORE one day last week.

Mrs. A.H. CRANDALL, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks, doesn't seem to be gaining as fast as her relatives and friends would like to see.


Members of the M.E. Church prepared a surprise and farewell reception for Rev. and Mrs. HARNED Saturday evening last. Early in the evening a large number of the friends and members gathered in the church parlors, and when all was ready the guests of honor were sent for. A pleasant hour was passed shaking hands and visiting, after which refreshments of ice cream were served.

Before departing for their homes Mr. Z.T. DUNHAM, in a short speech, presented Mr. And Mrs. HARNED a set of silver knives, forks and spoons.

Mr. HARNED responded briefly, thanking the donors for their gifts and their good will in arranging the reception.

Mr. And Mrs. HARNED left Monday for their new field of labor, under the guilded dome of the capitol, where they have been appointed to labor for the ensuing year.

During the past two years Rev. HARNED has been Pastor of the Dunlap Church and has done efficient work.

Under his pastorate the fine new church building was finished and dedicated. They go to their new work with the good wishes of the entire community.

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County