Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
May 29, 1914


Friday evening Ethel MALONE, Carl KIRK and Vera NELSON entertained the seniors and high school teachers at the home of the latter. The evening was pleasantly spent with puzzles and various other games. Unplanned for amusement was provided for in rescuing the ice cream. The senior colors were used in the decorations and the color scheme was carried out in the refreshments.

Saturday, at 4:30 p.m., Wilma ROBERTS, Bessie BALDWIN and Merlyn RAWLINGS entertained the seniors, teachers and janitor and wife in a novel way. First the guests met at the ROBERTS home. Punch and wafers were served. Then after following the leader by a roundabout way the crowd finally came to the GALLUP home. There they listened to a Victrola concert for about an hour. Many pleasing numbers were given, among which the "Sextette" from Lucia and "Uncle Josh" seemed most popular. The next move was at the RAWLINGS home where a dainty three-course dinner was served on tables tastily decorated with bridal wreath and ferns.

Monday evening the seniors gave the return banquet to the juniors and high school teachers at the library auditorium. The rooms were decorated with pennants and the juniors' colors, champagne and red. The table was plus shaped and in the center was a large bouquet of red and cream roses. Miss KENNEY acted as toastmistress and called on several who made splendid replies. The only musical number on the program was a song by the senior girls' quartette. The waiters were Gordon BECK, Lorenz POSCHEL, Gerald BENNETT, Bob LORENZ, Gerald BARRETT and Rob CONRAD. Miss Edna SELLERS, a former member of the senior class was the guest of honor.


B. JACKSON, of Garden City, Kansas, was here the first of the week renewing his acquaintance with old friends. He was formerly in business here.

A party of Dunlap ladies were Omaha visitors last Monday, as follows: Mrs. A.W. HARNED, Ms. L.K. MOORE, Mrs. J.M. HOLLAND and Mrs. D.V. MOORE.

T.F. MCGRATH, of Schleswig, was here Saturday. He is a candidate for sheriff and this is the best place to meet the voters of southern Crawford County.

The denizens of Montague Street seem to have the painting fever. Fred WETTENGEL and L.G. LISCOMB are having their houses painted, and the work threatens to continue up the street.

Professor Emmet J. ROCK, principal of the Westport, South Dakota schools, stopped off this week for a few days visit with his uncle, Father HANSON, while on his way to the family home at Williamsburg.

George MCDOLE left last Saturday for Charter Oak, being called by the fatal sickness of his brother-in-law, A.C. LEEPER, at that place. Mr. LEEPER, who was the town Marshall, passed away early Monday morning.

Part of the sisters of Vail and Denison and several of their high school pupils attended the commencement exercises Sunday evening.

Bert ROUNDY and daughter, Alvira, of Valentine, Nebraska, arrived here on Friday last for a visit with relatives in this vicinity for a few days.

The Misses Marie DALLY and Helen KENNY spent Saturday and Sunday in Omaha, and attended the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra at the Brandeis Sunday afternoon.

J.P. SATERLEE, of Connecticut, left recently for home after a visit to his brother, Ed SATTERLEE, of this place. He was on his way from California where he spent the winter.

Sam PROBASCO, of Hartington, Nebraska, arrived here Saturday to look after business matters and to visit his people here. He says crops are looking well in his section, as they have had plenty of rain this spring.

The sixth anniversary of the Rebekah lodge at this place will be held at Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening, June 2. Odd Fellows and their wives and Rebekahs and husbands are invited. Refreshments will be served.

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. VAN SLYKE and Mrs. E. R. CADWELL left Wednesday evening for Manilla to visit relatives, and to attend the commencement exercises, when the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. VANSLYKE will be among the graduates.

Wm. MALONE was an Omaha visitor Sunday.

B.F. ROBERTS came in from Ames Saturday.

C.A. SCHROEDER was in Omaha on Monday last.

Born Friday, May 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse FOUTS, a son.

Mrs. E.T. CHILD returned here Monday from her visit to Ames.

Wilbur ROBERTS was an Omaha visitor Tuesday and Wednesday.

Father MCMANUS, of Council Bluffs, was in Dunlap Sunday evening.

F.W. CURTIS and L.L. MCINTOSH were visitors at the Bluffs yesterday.

Mrs. B.J. MOORE returned home Saturday from her visit at Grinnell, Iowa.

Mrs. E.G. TYLER and daughter, Kate of Logan, came up Sunday to pay a visit at the L.G. TYLER home.

Mayor TAYLOR, wife and son, Dan, left Saturday evening for a few days' visit with relatives at Lake View.

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