Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
September 19, 1913


Fire on Roof is Quickly Subdued By Fire Boys. Much Damage by Fire and Water.

At about 1:30 p.m. Friday the fire bell called the firemen to the residence of Ed Wright in the east part of town. When the boys arrived, the fire was blazing on the roof, and in places had eaten through and was burning inside. Immediately a good stream was playing on the roof, but the fire inside kept going. Then it was found necessary to cut holes in the roof to get at the blaze. When this was done it was quite easy to subdue the fire.At one time it looked like the house might be doomed, and willing hands began carrying out household goods until the rooms were emptied of their contents.Mr. Wright’s damage was considerable from the fire, the ax-men and the water. It will be necessary for him to build a new roof and probably re-plaster and paper the rooms most of them at any event. The building was covered by insurance.It is thought that the fire caught from a spark falling on the roof. As the roof was very dry, the flames soon spread and would have soon enveloped the house had the fire not been discovered in time.


Charles Rannels went to Omaha on Tuesday, where he entered the Methodist Hospital to have his eyes treated. His brother, Will accompanied him returning the same evening.

Mrs. Thos. Cover, Mrs. Thos. Muir and daughter, Dortha, went to Omaha Wednesday to visit with Mrs. Colby, who is in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mrs. Colby has been in a very critical condition, but is now improving nicely.

We note from an exchange that A.L. and G.L. Rule have sold their hardware business at Red Oak for $12,000. The gentlemen were formerly in the hardware business at Dunlap, and their many friends here will be interested in this sale.

Donald Moore, of New Wilmington, Pa., arrived here Saturday to visit his cousin, Ben Moore, and other relatives. He formerly lived here, but has been in Pennsylvania for a few years. He says he is glad to get back to Dunlap, though times are fairly prosperous in the east.

Mr. Hagan came to us from Arcadia about a year and a half ago as first trick operator in the C & N.W. depot, and in that time has won many friends by his pleasant smile and ready service.

Jesse Fouts and wife went to Missouri Valley Thursday to see his mother who is under the doctor’s care.

Mrs. Bixler is spending the week in Dow City with her daughter, Mrs. McCord.

Perry Underhill, an old settler of this vicinity, was shaking hands with old friends here yesterday. He was recently in business at Arion, but he has retired from active business and has been staying with his sons in different parts of the country.

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County