Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
November 7, 1913


L.M. Hunt and son shipped in a carload of hogs last week. Dr. Williams vaccinated the bunch on Monday, 150 in all.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brock and Mrs. Wm. McCuskey attended the funeral of Edwin Carmichael Sunday.

Nearly everyone in this neighborhood attended the sale of the W.H. Sweet farm last Thursday.

Everett Shepard and family visited with Will Shepard, of Olympus, last Sunday.

Vineland School opened Monday, November 3, with an attendance of eleven pupils. Nettie Hunt is the teacher.

Harley Hunt drove down from Mapleton to spend Sunday at home. He is conducting a newspaper contest at that place.

The surprise party that we predicted came off Saturday night at the F.O. Carlson home, it being the fifty-fifth birthday of Mr. Carlson. About twenty-five were present. The evening was spent with games and much talk and laughter. Mrs. Carlson served a splendid supper, after which Mr. Carlson was presented with a fine chair in which he will no doubt take great comfort these long wintry evenings. At a late hour the guests departed all having had an unusually pleasant time.


Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
November 28, 1913

Rev. and Mrs. Harned left the first of the week for Story City, Iowa, to spend Thanksgiving with their daughter and husband.

Bert Hull left Friday for his home at Gordan, Nebraska, driving home a new Buick auto, which he purchased of W.A. Chauncey & Sons.

Dr. H.A. Cobb has been appointed resident physician at this place for the C. & N., W.R.R., in place of Dr. Beatty, resigned. Dr. Cobb and his many friends are much pleased because of this merited appointment.

M.P. Brace returned Friday afternoon from Chicago, where he was called by the severe illness of a sister, Mrs. Bigelow, of that city. Another sister, Mrs. Crandall, of Walworth, Wisconsin, is also very low and was visited by Mr. Brace.

On Wednesday last the Rural Booster Club of Boyer Township met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Nurse. The program was furnished by members of the club, and the officers were also installed. Light refreshments were served at the close of the meeting.

The C.W. Mendenhall farm of 240 acres four miles northwest of Woodbine has been sold to B.R. Mills for $24,000.

Mrs. Frank Bissel, and mother, Mrs. Ether Hall, visited a few days in Omaha the latter part of last week, returning Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Huie left Wednesday for Beaman, Iowa, to visit a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Ned McMartin, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Clem Honz enjoyed a visit last week from their daughter, Mrs. Al Stolz, of Portsmouth, who returned to her home Saturday.

Thos. B. Wright, of the U.S. Navy, writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Wright, that he has just returned to the United States after an absence of about two and one-half years in eastern waters, at the Phillippines, China and Japan. He is now at the navy yards near Seattle.

There was a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Radebaugh on Thanksgiving. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Ray Radebaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Will Radebaugh, and Mr. E. Radedaugh, all of Rippey, Iowa, and C.E. Radebaugh, of Scranton, Iowa. E. Radebaugh is the professor’s father, and all the other men present are his brothers.

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County