Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
May 23, 1913


Tom Fox and family spent Sunday with relatives in Woodbine.

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jacobsen returned Tuesday from a visit in Minnesota.

The Misses Lela Norris and Rose Cooper were over Sunday visitors in Woodbine.

J.D. Nelson, wife and daughter, Vera, spent Sunday with relatives in Woodbine.

E.A. Smith and family lef Thursday for a visit with relatives in Manilla.

Mrs. C.M. Bowersox and Miss Clema Stewart went to Omaha on Tuesday.

Mrs. Elizabeth Malone returned Tuesday from a visit with relatives in Charter Oak.

Frank VanSlyke and wife, of Manilla, arrived Wednesday to take in the alumni banquet.

Miss Alta Barney arrived Tuesday from Malcomb, expecting to remain during the summer.

Mrs. Smith, of Woodbine, spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Wilkins.

Mrs. Esther Hall returned Tuesday evening from Omaha, where she has been visiting relatives.

Mrs. Theresa Pflieger arrived last Thursday from Ida Grove, where she has been teaching the past year.

Mrs. Ray Chatteck, who is to spend the summer at the Jas. Moorhead home, was an Omaha visitor Monday.

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County