Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
March 7, 1913


D.B. Elbert was an Omaha visitor last Saturday.

R.R. Cadwell was a visitor at Mondamin Wednesday.

Rev. Harned has been a suffer from grip the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. L.K. Moore entertained the whist club Monday evening.

The young ladies Spoke will be entertained this evening by Mable Haley.

J.B. Muir has moved into the cover tenant property in the north part of town.

Paul Dabelstein has moved onto his farm and the dwelling vacated has been occupied by Fred Foote.

The Congregational Wheel met with Mrs. Conrad Tuesday afternoon. The large number present enjoyed a good social hour.

The Dunlap-Manilla girls basketball game Saturday resulted in victory for Manilla by a score of 6 to 8. After the game, the home team, assisted by Miss Kenny gave a banquet to the visitors at the library auditorium.


Chas. Nissen died this Thursday noon at the home of Jas Ward. At the time of going to press the time of holding funeral had not been decided.


Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
March 14, 1913


Hortense Davis spent Saturday in Denison.

R.A. Williams was an over Sunday visitor with relatives in Persia.

Mrs. E.H. Barrett and Mrs. F.E. Sellers were in Omaha Wednesday.

Mrs. Hazel Liscomb entertained the Whist Club at her home Thursday evening.

Mrs. Effie Schlensig and Mrs. Geo. Cover were among the Omaha shoppers on Thursday.

Miss Minnie Christy returned Monday from Missouri Valley after spending a few days with relatives.

Mrs. Joe Waters came up from Omaha Sunday to spend a few days with old friends. She leaves Omaha Saturday to join her husband in California.

Mrs. Thos. D. Caverly and daughter Frances arrived from Correctionville Monday. The editor has been enjoying a nice visit with his granddaughter.

On Tuesday afternoon the business deal was closed whereby Jack Chauncey became the new proprietor of the restaurant recently owned by the Poley Bros.

On Monday evening a pre-nuptial courtesy was extended Miss Della DeJean by twenty five of her friends. Although the surprise was complete and bewildering, Miss DeJean was soon equal to the occasion, and in a clever manner tendered thanks for the many beautiful gifts, consisting of china, cut glass, linens and silverware. Music and games furnished the evenings entertainment which was followed by a dainty lunch served by Mrs. DeJean assisted by Mrs. Tedford.

The W.H. Wright home was the scene of a splendid surprise on Tuesday afternoon, when a big party of W.R.C. Ladies invaded and took possession of the premises. Mrs. McNally, who is a guest at the Wright home was the only one at home, as it had been previously planned she should be, and from her exclamation of surprise when the avalanche fell, there was no doubt that not even a bird had told her. Mrs. McNally expects to move to Missouri Valley in the near future, and this was the way this body of women took to express their friendship for one of their members, who had been a good officer and a faithful worker. With the table groaning with good things to eat, they waited just a moment until Mrs. Cook in a splendid way presented to Mrs. McNally a silver spoon. In her usual clever way, the reply was witty and equal to the occasion.

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County