Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
February 21, 1913


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greenwood Saturday, February 15, a daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lehan returned home Tuesday after a weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. M.J. O’Connell, at Boone.

The men of the M.E. Church will serve a supper in the church basement Thursday, February 27th, from 6 to 7:30. Everybody invited.

I wish to state that I am perfectly satisfied with the manner in which E.T. Malone conducted my sale. The sale amounted to more than I expected to receive. Peter Brennan.

Mrs. G.E. Thompson left Friday for Lincoln, Nebraska, to attend the wedding of her sister, Miss Virginia Nicholas to Mr. J.S. Doyle which occurred Wednesday, Feb. 19th.


Tom Joyce had the misfortune to cut his foot quite badly Friday of last week. He was out in the timber chopping wood, when he went to cut a limb off a tree that was standing in some manner, the ax glanced and hit him on the top of his foot. It required three stitches to close the wound.

Wm. Baldwin shipped cattle to Chicago last Saturday being on the market Monday.

Jack Smithers and wife went to Omaha Tuesday to consult a specialist in regard to a cancer which is causing Mrs. Smithers quite a bit of trouble. Her many friends hope she will get relief.

Elder C.J. Hunt, Deloit preached twice last Sunday at the L.D.S. Church, and continue each evening during the week. He expects to stay over next Sunday.

Jess McCord made a trip up to his ranch near Rodney this week.

J.M. Deardruff moved his family and household effects to Dunlap Wednesday. He will occupy his mother’s house the coming year.

Alex Black was called to Denison on account of the serious illness of his mother.

Del and Scott Fouts and their families were Sunday visitors at the Oscar Quick home.


After the usual choir practice on Saturday evening, the Methodist choir were pleasantly surprised by receiving an invitation from Marian Manchester, one of their members, to spend a cosial hour at her home where they received a most hearty welcome. The decorations were in honor of St. Valentine, and from every conceivable place peered red hearts and cupids darts which made the rooms very effective.Music and games were the evenings diversion followed by a dainty lunch.

Word was received Thursday announcing the death of N. Seieroe at Wendt, South Dakota. The remains will be brought to Dunlap, where the funeral will be held from the Congregation Church Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock.

Harrison County