Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
April 25, 1913


Mrs. Karl Benedickt who was taken to the Mercy Hospital at Council Bluffs last week is reported as getting along nicely.

Lena Mungen spent Tuesday in Omaha with her mother, who was operated on Monday in St. Joseph’s Hospital.

Mrs. Marie Lausted departed Wednesday for her home at Oakland, California after a few weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. J.M. Calnan.

Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Hyer and children of Onawa returned to their home Tuesday after a few weeks visit with Mrs. Hyer’s father, Thos. Hart.

Bert Stilson and bride of Arion spent the last of the week at the Jacobson home. Mrs. Stilson would be better know to her many friends as Rose Jacobson.

Those in attendance at the James White funeral from a distance were Patrick White, James White and wife, Mrs. Sullivan and John Carey of Neola; Mrs. James Newlan of Logan; Patrick White Jr., wife and children, Michael White, wife and son, and Mrs. James Mungen of Woodbine.

W.A. Chauncey & Sons sold two Ford cars and one Buick during the past week to the following parties; Fords, were sold to John Benedickt and T.F. Jordan; Buick to W.H. Davis. The line of cars the Chaunceys are selling are as good as there is on the market for the money, and they will doubtless sell many more this season.

Peter Croghan and wife of near Panama were in attendance at the Jas. White funeral Monday.

Mrs. H.J. Hanson and Alanda Chamberlin were west bound passengers on Wednesday.

Bernice Warnock of Missouri Valley spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. W.C. Houts.

L.K. Moore returned Wednesday from Chicago where he went with a car of stock.

M.J. Flynn and J. Kelly of Council Bluffs visited over Sunday with Dunlap friends.

Charley Book and family of Harlan attended the Kramer-Assmann wedding.

T.L. Craft and family have returned home after spending the winter in Texas.W.J. Peters and family spent Sunday visiting with their daughter near Charter Oak.

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County