Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
October 11, 1912


Wm. Welch purchased the Bryan Shevlin property the past week.

The Laurel Band class of the M.E. Church will have a cooked food sake at the City Hall Saturday at three o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. McDowe of Omaha were over Sunday visitors at the home of their uncle, B.H. Cutler.

L.K. Moore was an Omaha visitor Wednesday.

“Shorty” Lee visited a few days in this city the past week.

Mrs. Haas of Vail spent the first of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robson.

Mrs. M.P. Brace left Tuesday for Nevada to attend the meeting of the state library association after which she goes to Waterloo to visit a few weeks with her daughter Maria.

T.D. Miller who recently sold his farm has purchased the John Roundy place. After a visit of several weeks at his childhood home in Pennslvania, he will occupy the newly purchased place.


Alex Black drove to Dow City Sunday.

Elder C.J. Hunt of Deloit preached two sermons at the L.D.S. Church last Sunday; he expects to preach next Sunday at the same place.

J.L. Butterworth of Dow City was a Sunday visitor at the Grove.

Geo. Hansen moved last week to the Argotsinger house for the winter.

Tom Miller who sold his farm recently has bought the John Roundy farm, possession to be given the first of March. Mr. Miller with his sister and niece left Thursday for Lincoln, Neb., for visit with relatives.

George McCord purchased a fine young team of Chris Culver last Saturday, he will try farming again next year.

Arthur Smith of St. Joe, Missouri, was visiting at the Alex Black home the latter part of last week.

Fred Black and wife of Denver, Col., are visiting relatives and friends in the Grove.

Wm. Baldwin was in Omaha last week and bought three loads of cattle which he will feed on his farm.

P. Thompson returned from North Yakima, Washington, last week where he had been looking at the country.

Thomas Jones of Council Bluffs is spending a few days with relatives in the Grove.

Cecil Roundy is visiting with his uncle, John Roundy, at Valentine, Nebraska.


Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
October 25, 1912


Frank Palmer and wife of Dunlap were Sunday visitors at the Moss Shaff home.

Alex Black was a Council Bluffs visitor last Friday.

Sophia Roundy and Eva Franklin were county seat visitors one day this week.

Wm. McDonald and wife of Des Moines who have been visiting relatives in and around the Grove for some time left for their home Tuesday.

Lyman Crandall and wife intend to go to Dunlap soon to stay with their daughter, Mrs. Scott McIntosh and family during the winter.

Thomas Monahan and family went to Manilla Saturday evening for a visit with Mrs. Monahan’s parents. They returned home Wednesday.

Peter McIntosh had a monument man putting up a monument on his lot in the Manteno Cemetery Tuesday of this week.

Harrison County