Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
November 1, 1912


Claton Black had the misfortune of losing a thoroughbred cow one day this week.

Jay Wheelen and wife of Dunlap spent Sunday at the Pete McIntosh home.

Mrs. Fred Baber returned Friday from Council Bluffs where she underwent an operation.

Catherine McIntosh from Chickasha, Oklahoma, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete McIntosh, and other relatives of the Grove.

Elmer Sheller returned home Tuesday from Colorado where he has been visiting with his mother and sister.

Cecil Roundy returned home Saturday from Nebraska where he has been visiting with his uncle Burt Roundy.

Wednesday afternoon while John Terill and his 14 year old son were husking corn fodder, the boy was pulling on the string that the shock was tied with, and the same broke suddenly and he fell backwards landing on a stub of a stalk; this penetrated to the vital organ, and the boy is in critical condition. He is in a hospital in Omaha at this writing.

Harrison County