Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
May 10, 1912


Harrison County Sunday School Convention at Dunlap, May 22-23, 1912

The programs are out for the forty-third annual convention of the Harrison County Sunday School Convention, which will be held at the Dunlap Congregational Church Wednesday and Thursday, May 22 and 23.A cordial invitation is extended by the churches of Dunlap, who will furnish entertainment to delegates.Each Sunday School in the county is entitled to two delegates, who are requested to send their names to Mrs. D.E. Rogers or Mrs. Mary E. Burling, constiruting the Dunlap entertainment committee. The following is the program:

Wednesday, May 22, 2:30 p.m.
Song and Devotional Service
Rev. W.H. Doyle, Dunlap
Reverence for the House of God and Its Service, Mary Rice, Logan
Solo, Hazel Liscomb Dunlap
The Value to the Young Community of Holding Young Men in the Sunday School. C.W. Kellogg, Missouri Valley
Appointment of Committees, President Gaines
Song, Benedition and Adjournment
Song Service
Convention Offering
Solos–Hortense Davis, Dunlap

Thursday, 9 a.m.
Devotional, Rev. B.F. Hall, Woodbine
How to create missionary interest In the Sunday School
Mrs. L.B. Willett, Woodbine, A Carol of Praise
The Boy’s Choir, Logan Value of Religous Education to the Youth
Supt. Leslie I. Reed, Mo. Valley, How to Interest the Church in the Occupation of the Boys and Girls, Rev. C.S. Lyles, Logan
General Discussion, Song, Benediction

Thursday 1:30 p.m.

Devotional, T.C. Christensen, Dunlap Business Session, Report of Committees, Report County, S S Missionary Nugent Election of Officers


Newt Roundy was shaking hands with Dunlap friends Thursday.

L.D. Cogswell and Scott McIntosh were auto visitors to Omaha Wednesday.

The Whist Club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.G. Ingersoll Tuesday evening.

C.E. Eels of Cedar Rapids visited over Sunday with her sister, Mrs. I. Wilson, and family.

A.E. Mill sold his household goods Saturday, and on Sunday evening left for Canada to make his future home.

L.L. McIntosh has closed the dining room at the hotel and hereafter furnishes nothing but furnished rooms.


List of Those Who Seek Nomination for County Offices.

The time for filing nomination papers for county offices closed last Saturday, and the following names will appear on the republican primary ballot:
For Representative–C.W. Hunt
Auditor–D.V. Moore
Treasurer–M.B. Pitt
Recorder–S.E. Cox
Clerk Dist. Court–W.R. Adams and A.W. Blackburn
Supt. of Schools–Paul D. Stuart
Supervisor–Chatburn’s Seat–S.J. Cox, Ezra Miller, G.W. Coffman
Zahner’s seat–Frank Zahner, A.B. Hosbrook Democratic Candidates
For Representative–D.M. Remington, Horace Warren
For Auditor–J.M. Albertson
For Treasurer–Karl D. Wood
For Recorder–Ben Goodwin
For Clerk Dist. Court–C.E. Fairchild, W. Blair.
For Sheriff–R.B. Wallace, I.G. Hammer
For County Attorney–M.B. Baly
For County Supt.–Susie T. Faith
For Coroner–W.H. Case
For Supervisor (Chatburn’s seat)–H.J. Farley (Zahner’s seat)–Mat. Carlisle, Clark Prather


Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
May 17, 1912


Mrs. Geo. Stickney of Los Angeles, California is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Beatty.

C.A. Tryon, piano tuner of Manilla, will be in Dunlap the fore part of next week. Leave orders at this time.

Mrs. Clyde Brennan of Central City, Nebraska, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bobson.

R.W. Wettengel has accepted the position as freight clerk at the Northwestern depot, vice Will Robson resigned.


Raymond John Davie, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Davie, residing east of town died at the family home Friday, May 10th from indigestion at the age of 9 months and 3 days.The funeral was held from the home of Wm. Davie Sunday afternoon with interment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Rev. W.H. Doyle officiating.

V.V. Hays Dies

As we go to press word reaches us that V.V. Hays died Thursday morning at his home in Sagache, Colorado. Mr. Hays held membership in Acorn Camp M.. W. A. and Golden Rule Lodge I.O.O.F. of this city. Burial will be made in Colorado.


Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
May 24, 1912


Dunlap Graduating Exercises at Opera House Next Wednesday Evening

The graduating exercises of the Dunlap High School will be held at the opera house next Wednesday evening, May 29, the class consisting of ten members—three boys and seven girls.The class roll is as follows:
Freida Evelyn Hein
Elsie H. Reed
Elizabeth V. Smith
Katherine T. Hart
Izetta Brunt
Aurora Chamberlin
Helen Tinker
J. Fred Rogers
Lewis P. Tierney
Frank Tinker
Class Motto–Out of School Life into Life’s School
Class Flower–Cream Roses
Class Colors–Purple and Old Gold
The exercises will begin at 9:15 o’clock prompt. Following is the program:
Invocation----Rev. J.M. Hanson
Chorus----Away to the Fields----Wilson High School
Class History----Lewis P. Tierney
Recitation----Toussaint L’Ouvertue----Whittier----Katherine Hart
Oration—Modern Economics----Frank Tinker
Class Song----Music of the Bells----Abt Class
Some Physical Phenomena----J. Fred Rogers
Recitation----Painter of Seville----Susan Wilson----Elizabeth V. Smith
Music–La Regatia Venetins----Mary Helen Tinker
Recitation----Message to Garcis----Elbert Hubbard----Elsie Hannah Reed
Oration----The Advancement of Women----Mary Helen Tinker
Solo----The Silver Ring----Chaminade---- Freida Evelyn Hein
Recitation----Ben Hur’s Chariot Race----Wallace----Izetta Jane Brunt
Oration----The Optimistic Life----Freida Evelyn Hein
Class Prophesy----Aurora Chamberlin
Presentation of Diplomas----Supt. S.W. Johnson
Awarding of Scholarship----Miss Theresa Gepson
Chorus----Lovely June----Ardite High School
Benediction----Rev. W.H. Doyle
The Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered at the opera house Sunday evening, May 26 by Rev. W.F. Hertel of the Lutheran Church.

Harrison County