Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
March 1, 1912



Wednesday, February, the twenty first at the M. E. parsonage in Mitchell, South Dakota, Rev. J.S. Hoagland officiating, occurred the marriage of J.M. Detwiler of Dunlap, Iowa to Miss Normania Lockhart of Loomis, South Dakota.The bride is an estimable young lady, one of Dakota’s fair daughters, and comes among us a stranger. The groom is well known here having lived near Dunlap most all of his life.They will be at home to their many friends after March the first. They will reside on a farm east of Dunlap.


Wednesday, February 14, 1912, at Logan, occurred the marriage of Miss Ethel M. Becker, daughter of Mr. George Becker, and Mr. John N. Phillipy, son of Geo W. Phillipy of Woodbine. These young people are well and favorable known, and will be at home to their many friends on a farm six and one-half miles west of Dunlap about the first of March.On Thursday evening, February 22, the brides mother gave a bountiful three course wedding supper of which fifty-nine friends and relatives partook. These young people were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents.


On Wednesday, February 28, 1912, at high noon occurred the marriage of Miss Florence M. McDole to Mr. Ralph J. Cue at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.S. McDole, in the presence of about twenty friends and relatives. Rev. Doyle of the M.E. Church performed the ceremony. Mrs. F.S. Gorham and daughter, Grace played a duet just before the ceremony, after which a sumptuous dinner was served.The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts.They will be at home on a farm on the Willow after March 15th.The wedding was rather a quiet one on account of the bride’s sister having been seized with an attack of appendicitis on the previous day.


Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
March 8, 1912


Mrs. Ed Rannells

On last Sabbath morning Mrs. Edgar A. Rannells after an illness of many months duration, was called to her final reward. She came to Las Vegas in company with her husband about a year and a half ago, and immediately united with this church. Though ill health prevented her attendance upon the services of the sanctuary during the greater part of her sojourn among us, she was greatly interested in the church, and counted it a sore trial that she could not attend more frequently. Stricken with disease early in life and feeling that both her plans and those of her husband were interfered with by her affliction, it was hard for her to be patient and submissive. At the last however, she became fully reconciled, and with loving trust submitted to the Father’s will. Accompanied by her husband and a sister, Mrs. Garret of Nebraska the remains were taken to Chanute, Kansas for interment. Bro. Rannells will return to Las Vegas in a few days and resume his position as manages of the Harvey Dairy,–Edgar C. Anderson, Pastor, First Metho Espiscopal Church, Las Vegas, New Mexico.


As this time draws near for filling of petitions for candidates before the coming primary election those who desire to come before the voters next fails election are beginning to get busy.It is an understood fact that Gaines and Cox the auditor and recorder, who are serving their first terms will go before the June primaries asking another nomination.Ross McLaughlin of Missouri Valley is preparing to make the race for the republican nomination for county attorney, and Mr. Collingworth of Mondamin will try for nomination from the same party for county superintendent of schools.We are informed that Geo. W. Coffman will try for the seat occupied by Thos. Chatburn on the board of supervisors, and while it is understood that Mr. Zahner will not be a candidate again no one has so far indicated that he would seek the place.



On Monday afternoon at four o’clock at the Methodist parsonage in Denison occurred the marriage of Miss Bessie Cue and Mr. Will J. Siglin, Rev. J. H. Senseney performed the ceremony which united for life the destinies of these two young people.The bride wore a wine colored silk dress, trimmed with cream colored lace and red velvet. The groom wore a blue suit.The bride grew to womanhood in this vicinity, and has a host of warm friends who wish her much happiness in her wedded life.The groom is an enterprising young farmer who is sure to make his way in the world.The happy couple will make their home on a farm six miles west of Dunlap. The Reporter and Herald join their host of friends in wishing them all the joys which this life affords.


Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
March 15, 1912


One of Dunlap’s Most Respected Citizens Dies Without Warning.

Early Thursday morning, our citizens were shocked with the intelligence that John Merritt had died from heart disease, his demise taking place at midnight.Mr. Merritt had been about the previous day in his usual jovial and good natured manner, and it was indeed a shock to receive the sad news of his death.The arrangements for the funeral will not be made until the arrival of his son, who was promptly summoned from his home at Gordon, Nebraska. It is expected the funeral will be held Saturday afternoon or Sunday.


Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
March 29, 1912


Tuesday evening last, the home of George Chamberlin was the scene of great jollity and pleasure. Having discovered that March 26 was the anniversary of George’s birthday, number of his gentlemen friends planned a surprise. The unsuspecting host was called home from lodge on some pretext and found there awaiting him fifteen of his intimate friends who presented him with a beautiful chair as a token of their esteem. After an enjoyable evening at cards, a very appetizing luncheon was served to which all did ample justice.In spite of the lateness of the hour, the guests still lingered enjoying and participating in the music which followed. Finally warned by the clock of anxious and foreboding looks and words which would no doubt await them at their home, should they tarry longer, the guests finally departed, all extending their best wishes to Mr. Chamberlin for many more such happy birthdays.


Woodbine Twiner
Woodbine, Harrison County, Iowa
March 1, 1912

Mrs. Lewis Haas and Mrs. A.E. DeCou were hostesses Tuesday afternoon at the Haas home, at a Kensington in honor of Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. H.J. Canfield and Mrs. J.G. Smith, all of whom are leaving Woodbine for other localities.

Dr. Wells Dewell has been asked by a goodly number of his friends to take the nomination for mayor and yesterday he consented to the use of his name in the citizens caucus called for next Tuesday evening, provided he is the choice of the majority of the representative citizenship of the town. In this connection Dr. Dewell authorizes the Twiner to state that he will stand first, last and all the time for a good clean town, the enforcement of law and order, for progressiveness, and for those civic principles that a school town such as ours has a right to expect in the way of right doing. That he is not to be the candidate of any clique or faction merely but that of the representative people of the town.

Harrison County