Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
July 26, 1912


Dan Hartigan and Con Flynn of near Ute attended the O’Brien funeral here Wednesday.

Dr. Philbrook, wife and daughter of Denison were Sunday visitors at the C.B. VanSlyke home.

W.H. Barrett and wife of Mallard are visiting at the home of the gentleman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Barrett.

Pearl Hansen returned Saturday to her work at Sioux Rapids after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Hansen.

Frank VanSlyke and family returned Monday to their home in Manilla after several days visit at the home of W.H. VanSlyke.

Street Commissioner Hicks and the new grader is making a vast improvement in the appearance of the streets they have visited.

Dr. and Mrs. Cutler of Magnolia returned to their home Tuesday after a pleasant visit with their daughter, Mrs. W.H. Doyle.

Harrison County