Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
February 2, 1912

H. C. Carmichael has a new seventy-three foot well at his new home in the southeast part of town.

Mrs. Wm. LaSeur of Moorhead has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. J. Gardner the past week.

Rev and Mrs. Wm. Gardner departed Saturday for Kirksville, Missouri, where they will make their home.

Dr. H.W. Gamble, the Missouri Valley Osteopath will be in Dunlap every Wednesday morning at the residence of W.H. Davis.

Estella Hayes left Thursday for a two weeks visit at Oskaloosa. She will visit with relatives at Coon Rapids en route.

Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Morgan of Gordon, Nebraska, have been visiting friends here during this past week. They will be remembered as old residents of this vicinity.

The Ladies Social Circle of the Congregational Church will give a joint Washington dinner at the church parlors February 22 from 11:30 to 2 o’clock. All are cordially invited.

The Mary J. Holmes, production, “Lena Rivers” which was played at the opera house Tuesday evening was all that could be expected and the large audience was well pleased.

The Iowa Association of Southern California will hold its annual picnic February 22, 1912, at Eastlake Park, Los Angeles. At this great gathering of resident and visiting Iowans, the opportunity will be given, as in former years, to renew and form acquaintances, and to promote the fraternal spirit in those who come from the grand commonwealth of Iowa. Should the weather be rainy for a day or two preceding the 22nd, or on that day, a postponement will be made to Saturday, March 2nd, at the same place.


John Servis was born in Ross County, Ohio, April 26th, 1843, and died in Dunlap January 27, 1912At the age of 18 years, he enlisted in Company A-54 Ohio Volunteer Infantry and served three years. He participated in several battles including the battle at Missouri Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Vicksburg, and was with Sherman’s famous march to the sea.In the year 1884, he moved to Dunlap, and has lived in and around here ever since, with the exception of three and one half years that he lived in South Dakota, but on account of poor health, he returned to his old home here.He leaves to mourn his death a widow and son, Elzia D., and one sister Mrs. Rachael Johnson, whose home is at Munice, Indiana, and also a host of relatives and kind friends.The funeral was held from the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. Doyle officiated.


Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
February 9, 1912



Ethel Ada Kent was born June 27, 1886, near Dunlap, died January 27, 1912, aged 25 years and 7 months.When three years old her parents moved to Dow City, where she lived for sixteen years. On July 18, 1904, she was married to Charles W. Grant. To this union one child, Edith Cressa, was born. She moved to Woodbine in 1906, where she has lived almost continuously until the time of her death.On Friday, January 26, she underwent a surgical operation at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Omaha, from which she did not recover.She leaves father, mother, five sisters, a brother, and many friends to mourn her loss.Burial services were at Dow City, where she was laid to rest by the side of her two brothers.


Mrs. Mary Stout Vertrees was born in Cedar County, Iowa, November 12, 1845, and died in a hospital at Council Bluffs on Saturday, February 3, 1913, being sixty-six years, two months and twenty-two days old. She was the daughter of Jacob and Sarah Stout.She was married to John W. Vertrees October 20, 1866. She leaves a husband and eight children, three sons and five daughters to mourn, Mrs. O.A. Skeels of Vermont, Mrs. W.V. Butler of Salt Lake City, Charles J. Vertrees of Colorado, Mrs. Wilder at home, Jesse J. Vertrees of Great Falls, Montans, Leslie E. Vertrees of Springville, Utah, Mrs. Edward Van Aelstyn of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Ruby Bighum of Los Angeles, California. She was a member of the Methodist Church for many years.The funeral was held Wednesday from the M.E. Church at Dow City. Rev. Doyle officiating. Interment in Dow City Cemetery.

Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
February 23, 1912


N.R. Wilder and F.C. Howorth of Dow City attended the Louie Buck sale last Friday, the latter buying all the steers that were sold at the sale.

The trustees of Grove Township held their meeting at the Center School House Monday with a large attendance. The road work for the ensuring year was led as follows: District No. 1 to Harry Black: No. 2 to John Major: No. 3 to W.H. Keairns and No. 4 to Will Hansen; also M.W. Keairns was the lowest bidder for taking care of the cemetery and superintendent of the road dragging which was led to him.

Elder Columbus Scott of Lamoni preached Sunday morning and evening at the L.D.S. Church, and will continue meetings each evening this week till Friday night.

The L.D.S. aid met with Mrs. Geo. Keairnes Wednesday of last week, and Miss Sophia Roundy Wednesday of this week.

Mrs. Fannie Mosher, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Del Fouts and other relatives for the past month started her home in Colorado Tuesday.

About thirty of the friends of Mrs. P. Berens assembled at her home Sunday evening, and enjoyed a farewell visit with that lady who is soon to move to her farm.


Agricultural College on Wheels to be at Illinois Central Depot Monday, March 18th.

Word has been received by the Editor that the "Dairy Special" which is to be run two weeks over the Illinois Central railway in Iowa will be stopped at Dunlap from 1 to 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, March 18, where all will be permitted to inspect the complete silo, and ensilage plant, as well as hear some of the best lectures on dairy subjects from the state school at Ames.The subjects to be discussed are live ones for everyone in this vicinity, and as there is absolutely no charge, it will be your own fault if you miss this opportunity.This train has been arranged for by Hugh C. Van Pelt, state dairy inspector, who extends a special invitation to women, boys and girls as well as men.


Last Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock, in St. Patrick's Church, Mr. Oscar Skow and Miss Mable Emge, both of this vicinity, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Mr. Bennett Skow and Miss Mary Emge served in the capacity of groomsman and bridesmaid.A bounteous wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Emge.The happy couple will begin their wedded life on a farm six miles west of town. That health, happiness and prosperity may never desert them is the wish and prayer of their large circle of admiring friends.About thirty of the friends of Mrs. P. Berens assembled at her home Sunday evening and enjoyed a farewell visit with that lady who is soon to move to her farm.

Harrison County