Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
August 30, 1912


Geo. Hall returned Wednesday after several months in Mesita, Colorado.

Marie Bowling of Denison visited at the home of J.M. Murphy the past week.

Mrs. Sarah Lee arrived Sunday for a visit with Dunlap friends and relatives.

Glen Whitcomb of Omaha was an over Sunday visitor at the M.C. Dally home.

Martin Barrett and wife and P.F. Barrett and wife were Omaha visit one Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haugen rejoice in the birth of a son which was born Saturday.

The ladies aid society of the Lutheran Church held a picnic at the Roth farm Thursday.

Frank B. Dally returned Sunday from a months outing spent in touring the principal cities of the east.

Mrs. Frank Liscomb entertained at a buffet dinner Friday in honor of her sister, Mrs. H.R. Wholmes. There were thirty-five relatives present.

Mrs. H.R. Wholmes and daughter, Irma left Sunday for their home at Winona, Minn., after a two weeks visit with Mrs. Frank Liscomb and family.

Harrison County