Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
April 12, 1912


Monday evening was the regular annual meeting of the Dunlap Library board and the old officers were reelected for another year as follows: President---J.T. Rawlings, Vice President—C.G. Jessup, Secretary—Mrs. B.H. Cutler, Treasurer—Mrs. B.J. Moore.Mrs. Amanda Edwards was elected librarian for the ensuing year and Merlyn Rallings was made janitor for the same time.An extension of time was arranged so that the contractors for the library building would not be compelled to finish the woodwork of building before the plaster walls were throughly dry.


Charles Hall Warren was born December 16, 1858, in Harrison Township, Harrison County, Iowa, near where Dunlap was later established.He lived on his father’s farm until he reached the age of nineteen when he went to Kansas where he remained about one year, after which time, he returned to Dunlap, and followed the carpenter’s trade. In about 1887, he removed to Pender, Nebraska, where he resided for a number of years, and followed the trade of contractor and builder.During his residence at that place, he was united in marriage to Miss Etta Robb. To this union were born five children; two daughters and one son and his wife surviving him, a daughter and son dying in infancy.He was stricken with paralysis in Lake Andes, South Dakota, about four and one-half years ago, at which place he was engaged in building a church. From this stroke he never fully recovered, but other strokes followed which for the past three years have left him in an almost helpless condition. He bore his affliction patiently, but made no profession of religion until about three weeks before his death, when he began to pray and make peace with his God.He passed away Sunday evening April 7th at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Warren at Dunlap. Besides his own family, he is survived by his parents and four brothers and six sisters; Mrs. Lewis King and Ada L. Warren of Dunlap; Mrs. C.E. Pape and Mrs. C.H. Otis, of Skidmore, Mo., Bertha Warren and Mrs. Charles Rose of Lakeside, Nebr., Edward R. of Simpson, Saskachawan, Canada and Gilbert S. of Lake Andes, South Dakota.The funeral services were conducted from the home at 2 o’clock p.m. Wednesday, April 10th by Rev. D.C. Eldy. Interment to Pleasant Hill Cemetery.


Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
April 19, 1912


J.P. Nelson, born in Sweden on July 7, 1820, and Onawa’s oldest citizen passed away quietly on Tuesday morning.

David Christmas, one of the oldest pioneers of this locality, succumbed to a long illness and quietly passed away at his home southeast of Ute, on Wednesday morning of last week.


Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
April 26, 1912


The parents of attorney M.B. Baily of this city celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary March 22nd at their home near Delavan, Ill. We clip the following account from the Dolavan Times:“In honor of the sixtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William V. Baily, who live northeast of Delavan, a company of relatives gave them a surprise by walking in on them Friday morning to remain for an elaborate 1 o’clock dinner, and assist them in celebrating a wedding anniversary that very few couples live to enjoy. Sixty years ago Friday, following a courtship which lasted while Mrs. Baily was teaching school in Monmouth and Mr. Baily was a student at Knox College in Galesburg, their marriage took place in Monmouth and moved to Delavan where they have since resided.Mr. Baily was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Baily, who came to this vicinity in 1828 from Pennsylvania and settled along the Mackinaw river where William Vincent Baily was born March 11, 1831.He spent his boyhood here until he went to college, where he became acquainted with Bethania Crocker Ferguson to whom he was married March 22, 1852. Miss Ferguson was the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. William Ferguson, and was born in Oxford, O., May 27, 1832. Her girlhood was spent in Wooster and Thornton, Ohio. Her father was a Presbyterian minister, and with the family came to Illinois in 1848, and located in Monmouth where a few years later he founded a college of which he afterward became president.Mr. and Mrs. Baily are the proud parents of eight children, two of whom died in infancy. A daughter, Mrs. Miriam B. Waltimire died May 11, 1903 at Ames, Iowa. The other children still living are Milner B. Baily of Dunlap, Mrs. Eva V. Taylor of Delavan, Vernon V. Baily of Walnut, Kas., Harry S. Baily of Delavan, and Mrs. Effie S. Meradith of Danvers, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Baily have fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Both Mr. and Mrs. Baily are in fairly good health for persons who have reached four score years, and have friends in Delavan by the hundreds who extend congratulations on this notable anniversary.”


Solomon Olmsted died at his home five and one half miles west of Butte, on Sunday evening, April 14, 1912, after an illness of only four days with pneumonia.Mr. Olmsted was born in East Hartford, Conn., April 24, 1856. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olmsted. He was married January 1, 1879 to Miss Lou A. Utley. To this union were born six children; Raymond, Mrs. Fannie Zink, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Fred, Grace and Roger, all of whom together with his faithful wife survive him.Mr. and Mrs. Olmsted came to Boyd County in April, 1892, filing on a homestead, where they were residing at the time of his death.He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Fannie F. Maning of Everett, Wash., Mrs. Anna N. Wheeler of Tacoma, Wash., and a brother, H.T. Olmsted of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and innumerable friends to mourn his loss. Sol Olmsted was a devoted, loving husband, a kind and indulgent father, and a good neighbor, always observing the Golden Rule and doing his part of life’s work. He will be greatly missed, not only at home but by the entire community, of which he has been an important factor for so many years.

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County