Iowa Old Press

The Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
September 2, 1910


Francis KEAIN arrived here Monday for a visit.

James QUINN was an Omaha caller Thursday.

Stella MURPHY was an Omaha caller Wednesday.

Oscar REMDE and son were Omaha callers Thursday.

William HETHERING, of Omaha, was in the city Tuesday.

James CRAWFORD left Thursday for his home at Cherokee.

John ADRIAN left Tuesday for a visit at Marshalltown.

C.D. DUNHAM, of Boulder, Colorado, is visiting with relatives here.

Peter McCANN and two sons were Omaha callers Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. M.P. DUGAN were Omaha visitors Wednesday.

Joe GALLUP and Frank GORHAM were in South Omaha Wednesday.

Mrs. Cal WOOD left Thursday morning for a visit with relatives.

Rev. W. HERTEL left Thursday for Beatrice, Nebraska for a short visit.

Mrs. P.E. O'CONNELL, of Fort Dodge, is visiting with friends in this city.

Floyd PEASE left for Onawa Tuesday where he will work for a few days.

Katy and Irene HART are visiting with relatives at Onawa this week.

Mrs. G.R. ROUSH entertained the 500 at her home Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Willis STERN, of Logan, visited with Mrs. Frank BISSELL Wednesday.

Miss LYMBERG, of Omaha, spent Sunday visiting with friends in this city.

E. GORHAM moved his household goods into the HANSEN house Monday.

Clara NORTON arrived here Tuesday morning after a trip through Europe.

Mrs. M.C. DAILY entertained the Kensington club at her home Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. B. WORK and Prudie GREENLEE, of Greenwood, are visiting at the U.O. GREENLEE home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. HOLCOMB, of Dow City, visited Monday at the home of Dr. H.A. COBB.

Mrs. E.R. CADWELL entertained a number of her friends at her home Tuesday afternoon.


Holds Twenty-fifth Anniversary Reunion Wednesday Evening.

Mr. and Mrs. J.E. McNALLY entertained the class of 1885 of the Dunlap High School to a seven o'clock dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. ROGERS on the evening of August 31, 1910.

At the arrival of the guests punch was served in the alcove of the hall. Following this Mrs. Effie CHAPMAN, accompanied by Mrs.Lena PETERS, pianist, in her own pleasing way, sang 'Some Day I'll Wander Back Again,' which was thoroughly appreciated by all.

The guests then repaired to the dining room where they were served to an elegant three course dinner by Mrs. E.L. ROGERS and RuthMcNALLY, while Frances McNALLY presided at the piano. After dinner the evening was passed in recalling memories of old school.

A.H. SNIFF of Missouri Valley, who was Superintendent of the Dunlap High School at that time, addressed the 'Children' telling with what pride he views this class as among his children, and theirs' as his grand children, who have reached the good on the top round of the ladder of life.

Ed CHILD royally entertained them with an old reminiscence in the form of a reading-The Man in Lower No. 3.

Alice ARCHER WIGHT, also came forward with a reading, 'Edinburg After Fodden.' Following this they were favored with the class song, 'Our Boat is Launched, Where is the Shore? by members of the class. Carl and Frank being too reticent to loan their voices in song kept in the rear with their silent maneuvers, which were equally as entertaining.

A vote of thanks was offered by the company, to Mrs. McNALLY for the thoughtfulness of entertaining them at the twenty-fifth anniversary. After this Mrs. CHAPMAN sang 'Gently Down the Stream of Time.

Mr. and Mrs. SNIFF, and members of the class of 1885, presented the hostess with a beautiful set of solid silver spoons, handsomely engraved with the name of the donors. After a few endearing remarks the company joined in singing 'Auld Lang Syne,' and departed to their homes, hoping to meet again in as buoyant spirits ere the lapse of another twenty-five years.

Those present were A.H. SNIFF, and wife, of Missouri Valley; Alice ARCHER WIGHT, Payette, Idaho; Ana JACKSON PRESTON, Des Moines; Minnie McELROY SMALL, Salix; Anna Wright McNALLY, of this city; Frank DEWEY, Des Moines; and Carl VanSLYKE.

We would add that this class contained eight members, four girls and four boys; all but two being present. George BRACE, of Menomonee, Wisconsin, being unavoidably detained; and Bert VanSLYKE, who years ago met with an untimely death.


The Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
September 9, 1910


On account of the shut off in the drain leading to the reservoir being closed as the city pumper started the engine last Sunday, the top plate of the pump cylinder was blown off and badly broken, so a new one will have to be ordered. In the meantime, the city is without water either for fire protection or household use-Moorhead Times.

E.C. BRIGGS, who lives at the head of Elk Creek, was returning from town Friday evening when the mule team he was driving ran away as he nearly home, tipping the wagon load of lumber over onto Mr. BRIGGS and seriously injuring him. With the help of neighbors he was taken home and a doctor called, who found a broken shoulder and a number of broken ribs, besides other interior injuries. The patient is in a very serious condition but it is thought he will ultimately recover-Moorhead Times.

Hereafter Harlan will have but two newspapers. The Harlan American founded July 16, 1887, as an organ of the people's party, has lately been sold to G.S. TURRILL, of Jefferson. Mr. TURRILL Tuesday sold the paper, including its subscription list and good will, to BROWN & MEEK, of the Shelby County Democrat and the Tribune Publishing Company, composed of W.C. and Hal W. CAMPBELL, who will discontinue the publication of the American. The deal was made at the request of nearly all the businessmen of the city.

The Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
September 23, 1910


Dr. and Mrs. H.A. COBB departed Sunday for Kansas City in their auto.

J. COSGROVE, of Omaha, visited the fore part of the week with Hugh ROCK.

F.E. SELLERS returned home Sunday after attending the funeral of his father at Ottumwa.

Joe BENEDICKT returned Monday from Monona County, where he has been for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Adam LANTZ visited with friends and relatives at Moorhead Saturday and Sunday.

A number from here were in attendance at the circuses in Council Bluffs and Omaha Monday and Tuesday.

Dunlap has been well represented at the Inter-State Livestock show at Sioux City the past week.

The buildings occupied by Mrs. Leland C. BRYAN and J.B. JOHNSON have been painted during the past week.

Marie DALLY left Saturday morning for Lincoln, Nebraska, where she will resume her music and studies at the State University.


Mrs. F.L. GREEN, of Council Bluffs, arrived Friday evening to visit her mother, Mrs. HILLIS, and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. FLAUGER left Tuesday morning for Muscatine to attend the Old Soldiers' Reunion. They will be gone about a week.

Mrs. Thomas McBRIDE and Mrs. YACKEY attended the Methodist Conference at Perry last week.

Miss Maggie QUINN has been teaching the Grammar room for Miss VORHI who is on the sick list.

Mrs. D.A. KELSON and two children, Earl and Evellyn, arrived Wednesday evening to visit with Mrs. YOUNG and others. She stayed until Saturday and the editor accompanied her to Bayard to visit other relatives. The editor returned Monday noon, bringing his younger brother with him.


On Tuesday evening at about 5, Mrs. E.B. CHAMBERLAIN, of Maplelton, 88 years old, went to the kitchen of her home to prepare for getting supper. Her husband had left the room a few minutes before to do some outside work and returned in about ten minutes only to find Mrs. CHAMBERLAIN sitting in a rocking chair with clothing burned from her body. She died in two hours in much agony.--Onawa Democrat.

Harrison County