Iowa Old Press

The Dunlap Reporter & Herald
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
May 27,1910

CARL F. KUEHNLE of Denison Who Delivers the Decoration Day Oration at the Dunlap Opera House at 2:00 P.M. Monday, May 30.
Carl F. Kuehnle was born in Dubuque, Iowa, April 7, 1861, of German parentage; moved to Waterloo, Iowa, in 1870, was graduated from the East Waterloo High School in 1878, as valedictorian of his class.

He was graduated from the College of Liberal Arts of the State University of Iowa, in 1881 and from the College ofLaw in 1882, making both courses in four years.

He received the degree of Master of Arts from Iowa University, in 1884.

He located at Denison, Iowa, in the fall of 1882, going into the law office of CONNER & SHAW as a law clerk at $50.00 per month.

When J.P. CONNOR, the Senior member of the firm, retired on January 1, 1885, to become Circuit Judge, Mr. KUEHNLE formed a partnership with Leslie M. SHAW, afterwards Governor of Iowa, and subsequently Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, under the firm name of SHAW & KUEHNLE.

The firm was changed to SHAW, KUEHNLE & BEARD, in 1898, when Cyrus BEARD became a member thereof.

Owing to ill health, Mr. BEARD was obliged to retire from the firm in 1900 and went to Wyoming, where soon afterwards he was elected Judge of the Supreme Court of Wyoming.

Mr. Jacob SIMS of Council Blffs, became a member of said law firm upon the retirement of Judge BEARD; the law firm now being SHAW, SIMS & KUEHNLE.

Mr. KUEHNLE is Vice President and General Manager of the Bank of Denison, Denison, Iowa, and President of the Manilla National Bank.

He is interested in other banks and is a director in a number of business corporations.

He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Denison Normal College, a Trustee of the Denison Carnegie Library board and President of the Denison Commercial Club.

He is active in a number of the leading fraternities; was Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias during the years 1893-1894 and supreme representative from Iowa for twelve years.

He was President of the Alumni Association of the State University in 1894 and was a second time honored by election as President of the Alumni Association in 1904.

He is a member of the Board of Managers of the Alumni Bureau of Information of Iowa University.

He was elected a member of the Board of Regents of the State University, January, 1909, to succeed the late Senator Healy.

He was married October. 10, 1889, to Miss Lillian L. LAUB of Denison. They have two children, a daughter Lydia Belle KUEHNLE, aged seventeen years, and a son Carl Frederick, aged thirteen.


L.K. Moore is reported as slowly recovering from his recent illness.

Born--to Mr. and Mrs. Asa E. McDOLE, May 17, a ten-pound son.

Mrs. L.V. CORFMAN has been quite ill the past week; is reported as much better.

Willis STEARN, of Logan, Chairman of the Republican County Central Committee, was in town Tuesday.

R.A. WILLIAMS, the registered optometrist, fits glasses by methods approved by the best of authority.

Fay McCOID, of Arizona, has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. S.J. ADAMSON, and other relatives in this vicinity.

Mrs. B.E. McELROY has returned home from Salix after a couple of weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. SMALL.

The 'ladies choice" dance, at the opera house Tuesday evening, proved to be a very enjoyable, and well attended affair.

Mrs. Esther HALL and Mrs. S.A. McNAUGHTON will entertain the C.C. Choir girls at the Congregational church parlors Friday evening.

Martin BARRETT, Sr., and Mrs. P.F. BARRETT, sail from New York, June 4th for an extended visit through Ireland.

Mr. BARRETT intends visiting his birthplace, which he has not seen since childhood, and believes he will see some familiar spots.

C.A. REED and wife returned Monday from Beloit, Kansas, leaving Mrs. REED sister in much improved health.

The baccalaureate sermon, which was preached by Rev. Father HANSEN at St. Patrick's church last Sunday morning, called a large attendance and was greatly appreciated.

Ross McLAUGHLIN, of Missouri Valley, candidate before the primary for the Republican nomination for County Attorney, was in town Thursday getting himself acquainted with the voters.

The ladies Cemetery association request us to announce that they have had barrels filled with water placed in the cemetery at convenient places for the use of those wishing to water plants.

Harrison County