Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
March 25, 1910


Mrs. Laura S. KNIGHT died at the home of her parents at Moorhead, Iowa, Tuesday, March 22nd from heart trouble, at the age of 53 years, 6 months and 8 days. Mrs. Knight had been visiting at the home of her parents when she was taken ill, which resulted fatally. The remains were prepared for burial by J.P. EIBERT and shipped to Missouri Valley where the funeral was held Thursday afternoon from the M.E. Church.She was the mother of Bert KNIGHT of this city.

Mrs. J.W. KINART of Neola, died at the home of her brother, B.T. WILMOTT west of town, Sunday, March 19th from tonsilitis. Mrs. KINART had been visiting at the home of her brother and was taken ill with fatal results as about stated. The remains were prepared for burial by undertaker JESSUP, and were shipped to her home at Neola for burial on Monday. The deceased leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. She was 29 years of age.



A very happy little wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. NELSON on Wednesday evening, the contracting parties being their daughter, Ada May, and Rollo R. ROBBINS, both well-known and highly respected young people who were reared from childhood in this vicinity. The Reporter joins with a host of friends in well wishes for the future.


Married at the M.E. Parsonage in Dunlap on the 23rd by the pastor, Mrs. Delbert SHURER and Miss Margaret PRILL, both of Glidden, Iowa.


Bert KNIGHT and family attended the funeral of his mother at Missouri Valley Thursday.

Mrs. F.W. DEWEY, of Des Moines is visiting with her sister, Mrs. T.F. JORDAN this week.

May PETERS spent Sunday visiting with relatives at Denison.

Mrs. M.C. DALLY returned home Wednesday after a week's visit with relatives at Waterloo.

Chas BAIRD and wife and F.W. CURTIS left Wednesday for Hot Springs, Arkansas, to spend a few days.

The school board met last Monday and received applications from all old teachers except the Misses LEIB and COLGAN, for another year's contract.

Harrison County