Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
February 18, 1910


Mrs. Fred Wettengel went to Grinnell Thursday to visit with her daughter who is attending school at that place.

John Adrian, the old time Dunlap auctioneer, stroke of Paralysis at his home Wednesday evening. He had out during the day and cried a sale as usual. The doctor in charge says he will be laid up for some time.

The Fortnightyly club meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. F. Schlensig proved to be the largest attended of the season and this increase in interest is very gratifying to the officers. The program was good and the various papers and musical numbers were enjoyed by all present.

Dow Howorth left Tuesday for Greeley, Colorado, to make his future home. Mrs. Howorth expects to leave for that point in a couple of weeks.

Word was received Sunday announcing the death of Elbridge D. McCoid at Bethune, Colorado, whither he went from here a year ago last spring. His son Will, left on Monday morning to attend the funeral which was to have been held Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tamisiea, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hatcher, Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Warnock, Bernice and Leland Warnock and Powell Loesche, all of Missouri Valley, were entertained Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Houts.


Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
February 25, 1910


The remains of Elbridge McCoid were brought here from Colorado last Saturday and buried at Manteno Cemetery.

M.B. Baily left for Iowa City Monday to be present at the dedication of the new law building in connection with the State University.

R.A. Williams, the optometrist, has passed the state examination and demonstrated by actual work before the board that he is competent to fit glasses. The most approved methods of examination used.

Geo B. Cook who recently resigned his position with the Dally Hardware Company has accepted a position in charge of the implement department of the Panama Mercantile Company and expects to move his family to that place.


The lady friends of Mrs. Arthur McElwain perpetrated a genuine surprise on her last Tuesday. After a delightful repast they presented her with a beautiful reminder of the esteem in which she is held by her many friends.

Hugh Rock and Henry Henney made a business trip to Charter Oak last Tuesday.

Jack Summerfield has had the white crow mounted and those who made skeptical puns on the white crow can see one of the greatest national curiosities ever shown in this part of Iowa by calling at his home.

H.J. Cummings, our efficient sheriff made our locality an official visit last week and pulled off one of the cleverest pieces of police work on record, worming out of young Renier the hiding place of over $1700 that he had procured from his sweetheart and hidden on his father's farm in Monona County. Hank had the money in his possession and was justly elated over his success.

Howard Nurse and Carlisle Hanigan came home from a short visit over Sunday with their parents. Both are enrolled at the Denison Normal school.

John Henney is home again having completed his course in the Northwestern Automobile School in Omaha and is now prepared to overhaul and repair crippled cars in this territory.

Misses Cooper and Collins of Charter Oak were business callers in this vicinity the first part of the week.

Wilber Hall is still confined to the house from injuries sustained by falling from a load of hay last week.

Harrison County