Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison county Iowa
May 14, 1909

Mrs. Adeline Bryan, widow of the late William C. Bryan, died at her home in Dunlap Wednesday, May 12, at 11:55 o'clock a.m., after an illness of short duration, although she had not been in the best of health for several months past. At the time of death she was 57 years, 1 month, and 19 days of age. Adeline Shields was born at Rockford, Illinois, March 23, 1852, where she grew to womanhood. She was married in that city to William C. Bryan on August 10th, 1871. Mrs. Bryan came to Dunlap with her husband, from Rockford, in 1873 since which time this city has been her home. She was the mother of three children Dorothy L., Chester G., and Myrtle L., the latter having died May 11, 1889. Mrs. Bryan was preceeded in death by her husband who passed to the great beyond March 12, 1887. Besides the 2 children who reside here, Mrs. Bryan leaves 2 brothers, one residing in California and the other in Illinois. The funeral is being held this afternoon from the
congregational church., Rev. J.H. Armstrong officiating.

[transcribed by D.F., January 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County