Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
April 4, 1902
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa

George Fouts is again a citizen of Dunlap, having charge of the Wm. Fouts shop, lately vacated by George Leland.

The family of E. B. Waitley have removed to the Ben Moore farm northeast of town, and are now "at home" to their friends.

At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Giles Chapman, west of town, on April 2nd, at high noon, by Rev. D. A. Allen, Mr. H. J. King and Miss Bessie Chapman were united in marriage. The bride is one of Harrison County's successful school teachers and is a young lady of sterling character. The groom is a successful farmer and stockman, being the junior partner of the firm of J. King & Son, south of Dunlap, and is an excellent young man After the wedding ceremony an excellent repast was served.

Karl Benedict, Pat Grady, John and Frank Smith, and Henry Millard shipped 12 loads of stock to Chicago Sunday, one half of which were cattle. They report good prices.

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County