Iowa Old Press

Dunlap Reporter
Dunlap, Harrison County, Iowa
September 2, 1897

S. G. Liscomb sold his elevator, grain and coal business Tuesday to M. W. Lee of Maurice, IA, and the purchaser took possession yesterday morning. The change was quite a surprise to the many friends of Mr. Liscomb and it was nearly as much of a surprise to Mr. Liscomb who was not offering his business for sale. The graduating classes of the Dunlap high school of '96 and '97 were entertained at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.. W. T. Preston on Jeroleman Street. Vocal and instrumental music were the principal features of the evening's enjoyment, the classes features of the evening's enjoyment, the classes singing the song so well known to the student of yore, "76". Refreshments consisting of fruits, cakes and ice cream were served on artistically decorated tables. Those present of the class of '96 were; The Misses Phoebe Peck and Etta Hull and Messrs Bert Hull, Ed Gepson and Roscoe Volland. Of class '97; Mr. Jacob Barrett and the Misses Sallie Sherman. Jennie Huie and Sophie Dege. Two of the former class were absent and one of the latter. A reunion of classes is a very pleasing remembrance and should be frequently indulged in.

Iowa Old Press
Harrison County