Iowa Old Press

Ackley World-Journal
Ackley, Hardin co. Iowa
June 13, 1940

Funeral services for the late Julius Reinke, of whose death mention was made in last Thursday's World Journal, were held that afternoon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Abraham, and at the First Evangelical church, of which the deceased had been an active member many years. Services were conducted by the Rev. Buermann, until recently pastor of the church, and the Rev. W. Cerka, present pastor. The remains were placed in the mausoleum in Oakwood cemetery, by the side of his wife whose death occurred in 1938. Numerous friends who had known Mr. Reinke were in attendance at the funeral.

Mrs. P. J. Clancy, wife of the head of the Clancy Insurance agency, critically ill in Mercy hospital, showed slight improvement Saturday, her physician said. Mrs. Clancy has been ill for six weeks with a heart ailment and complications. She was taken to the hospital early this week. [transcribers note: this is the wife of Pat Clancy, a former well known south Franklin county resident.]

Judge Clock granted divorces to two Hardin county couples the past week.
- Ivy Stephenson was given a divorce from James Richard Stephenson, plaintiff to have custody of minor child.
- Arthur H. Ewin was given divorce from Maude Ewin on grounds of desertion.

[transcribed by L.Z., March 2011]


Alden Times
Hardin County, IA
June 13, 1940

Wednesday of last week a decree of divorce was granted to Mrs. Ivy Stephenson from James Stephenson, she charging cruel and inhuman treatment. Plaintiff was given custody of a minor child and also $10 a month support money. Neither are to remarry within a year.

The second divorce was given Arthur H. Ewin from Maude Ewin, plaintiff charging desertion. By order of the court, neither party is to remarry within a year.

Bessie L. Jacobsen, et al, was granted a default judgment for $4,130 against M. Bacon, et al., that amount being alleged as due on a promissory note.

In the case of Gladys M. Daniels vs. Sylvester Hoffman it was decreed that the parties each had one half interest in a 200 acre farm, and the land was ordered sold and the proceeds divided. H. Lutz of Iowa Falls was named referee, and the appraisers are A. R. Idso, L. S. Cox, and G. F. Bigelow, all of Alden.

Amy Hites, in district court last February, was declared to be a foreign pauper and ordered to leave the state and not return, but she came back. Last week she was declared in contempt and sentenced to six months in the womenıs reformatory at Rockwell City. She was given six days to move from the county, the sentence to be enforced thereafter if she is still in the county, or should she leave and return at any further time.

Eva Pagel Tuesday filed a petition in which she asks a decree of divorce from Bert Pagel, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment. They were married in 1931 at Eldora.

Funeral services were held last Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Alden Lutheran Church for Frank E. Bahr, aged 37 years, 8 months and 16 days, who died last Saturday afternoon at the university hospital in Iowa City. There was a brief service at the home at 1:30 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. E. H. Kreiger, officiated and burial was made in the Alden cemetery. Deceased was taken sick about two weeks ago and a couple of days later was taken to Iowa City for treatment.

Frank E. Bahr was born at Owasa, Iowa, September 22, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bahr. He was united in marriage on December 12, 1923, to Miss Anna Pinske and to this union two daughters, Ruth and Doris, were born. The wife and mother passed away June 19, 1932. On October 17, 1933, Mr. Bahr was married to Miss Daisy Hunt, and to them one son, David Eugene, was born. For several years deceased was engaged in farming southeast of Alden, moving to town about eight years ago, since which time the family made its home here.

Together with the children and Mrs. Bahr, he leaves to mourn his death his parents; three sisters, Mrs. Albert Warschkow, Mrs. John Jass and Mrs. Richard Ites, all of this vicinity, and four brothers, Charles of Galt, George of Iowa Falls, Emil of Granada, Minnesota, and Fred of Glendale, California. All were present at the funeral except the latter. He is also survived by an adopted son, John Bahr.

At Aurora, Illinois, last Saturday was solemnized the marriage of Bruce Warner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warner of Alden, and Miss Helen Hahnenstein of Aurora, the Rev. Joseph Clare officiating. Following the ceremony a reception and wedding dinner was served in the Congregational church parlors. The bride and bridegroom left immediately on a motor trip through the west including Yellowstone National Park, the San Francisco fair and other points of interest. Upon their return the latter part of August, they will reside in Aurora.

Mr. Warner is a graduate of Alden high school, also of Iowa Teacherıs College at Cedar Falls and attended Iowa State University. He will receive his master of arts degree at the University of Southern California at Los Angeles this summer. Mr. Warner is a teacher of physical education and social studies at Abraham Lincoln school. Mrs. Warner is a graduate of West high school at Aurora and Stephens College at Columbia, Missouri.

[transcribed by L.Z., March 2011]


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