Old Press
Ackley World-Journal
Ackley, Hardin co. Iowa
Thursday, February 9, 1933
- In the Four Counties - Events of the week in the Big Four
Counties -
-Mr. and Mrs. Hez Wagner wre visitors at Marshalltown Thursday.
-Miss Velma Roegner of Geneva visited in the John Laipple home
over the week end.
-Miss Susannah Laipple spent Tuesday night with her cousin, Miss
Elizabeth Laipple of Geneva.
-Glee and Faith Wagner attended the county one-act play contest
which was held at Geneva Tuesday evening.
-Mrs. Chester Strahorn, wife of Dr. Strahorn of Milwaukee, Wis.,
has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Lynch.
-Susannah Laipple, Winola Wagner, Dorothea Diamond and Helen
Boyenga attended the basket ball games between Geneva and Allison
Wednesday evening. Geneva won both games.
-The truck driven by Carl Jones and owned by his father, Louie
Jones, of Ackley, was partially burned Thursday night one mile
south of here when it was ignited by a spark from the exhaust.
The Ackley fire department responded to the call and succeeded in
saving a part of the truck.
-Henry Osterland is at Ames this week where he will act as one of
the corn judges at the stte convention of the Iowa Corn and Small
Grain Growers Association held this week in connection with Farm
and Home week.
Steamboat Rock
-Elda Christians was a business caller in Des Moines Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Eilers Jr. and son visited at the Royal Smith
home at Clinton.
-Mike Daleske, Tony Luiken and Deane Swyter visited over the week
end at the Louis Muller home in Victor.
-Mrs. Tena Hartman returned home last week from a visit with her
daughter Mrs. John Howard of Waterloo.
-Mr. and Mrs. Warren Starr and children Jeanne and Jimmy visited
Sunday with Mrs. Starr's sister, Mrs. John Cleveland and family
of Chapin.
-Carl Sentman arrived home Friday from Oskaloosa where he has
been attending John Fletcher college. He has completed a four
year course in three and one-half years. Carl will return in June
and graduate with his class.
-Mr. N.R. Knight, merchant and postmaster fo rmany years, has
sold out to Mr. Kruse - to take possession March 1, 1933.
-T. Kruse is tearing down the barn on his new property, expecting
to build a large henhouse and have a real hennery. John Bleeker
has been working for Mr. Kruse, helping him build and make new
-Father Borges and Mr. Ross, with saw helped Mr. Vanderwerf to a
nice lot of stove wood.
-Miss Gladys Holl of Beaman visited the J.P. Arends home.
-Miss Emma Harken, of Dubuque, spent the week end here.
-Mrs. E.S. Johnson, of Parkersburg, was a visitor in the B.J.
Block home.
-Howard Hoyer, of Ackley, was a visitor in the George D. Meyer
-Nettie Van Loh was in Cedar Falls Saturday, attending the Butler
- Stockdale wedding.
-Alfred Meyer returned to Charles City, Monday, after visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meyer.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoeneman of Clarksville, have a new baby
girl at their home since January the 20th.
-Mr. N.R. Rents was taken to Allen Memorial hospital, Monday,
where he underwent an operation Tuesday A.M. at 9:00, for the
removal of a six pound tumor. His condition is satisfactory.
-The Mrs. Harms sale was well attended regardless of the bad
weather; nearly everyting offered sold well. A team of horses
brought $192.50.
Grant Twp.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Ammann and children, Cecilia and Peter, were
entertained Tuesday night in the Jack Studer home. The occasion
being the Studer's 23rd wedding anniversary.
Cleves and vicinity
-Dean Groeneveld has been ill the past week.
-Mark Achterman made a business trip to Iowa Falls last Monday.
-John Harms is hauling gas for his brother-in-law, W.O. Fisher.
-Rich Cobie and family were visiting at her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hy Heitland.
-Harm Janssen spent Sunday afternoon in the Bert Riebkes home. He
called on Mr. and Mrs. Isbrant Janssen's.
-Fred Goeting from near Robertson was a caller at Cleves Friday
evening and also visited with his mother east of Cleves.
-G. Heinrichs was a caller at Cleves last Sunday on his way to
visit his son and wife at Mason City. He said his son's wife had
to go to a hospital for an operation.
-Mrs. L.I. Coonley has been suffering from a severe cold the past
few days.
-Born January 31, to Mrs. and Mrs. Forest Clemens, a daughter,
Barbara Frances.
-Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson were transacting business at the
county seat Monday afternoon.
-Miss Mildred Bente of Mason City spent the week end with her
sister, Mrs. Lloyd Pfaltzgraff and family.
-John Nasnich was a business visitor at Albert Lea, Minnesota
-C.L. Hadsall and son Omar Hadsall, and wife, of Illinois, were
here last week.
-An eight pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Traux on
Tuesday morning, January 31st.
-Mrs. Louis Warneke, Junior, southeast of town, is slowly
recovering from a serious case of double pneumonia.
-Mrs. D.L. Clock will entertain the Ladies' Aid Society in the
church basement next week.
-Frank Kurzt has been in Lincoln, Nebraska, with his brother,
Ralph Kurtz, who is a patient in the Bryan Memorial hospital
-Mrs. W.H. Lines, of Des Moines, and her mother, Mrs. Ada
Howland, of Charles City, were brief visitors with mrs. Emma
Pearse, Wednesday evening.
-Clinton McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMillan, of Chicago, and
Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Carlson, of Minneapolis, are here with their
father, D.J. McMillan, who is seriously ill with heart trouble.
-Reid Johnson, of Robertson, was here Sunday to visit his mother,
Mrs. J.H. Short, who fell down some steps, making a wound over
the left eye, her left hand was sprained and cut, but no bones
were broken.
-Miss Ana Luke, a former Geneva resident, was married to Harold
Gross, of Greeley, Colorado, on January 21st. Mr. Gross is head
of the shoe department in the J.C. Penny store, while Mrs. Gross
has been employed as stnographer in local offices. The couple
will be at home in the colonial apartments. Friends extend
Geneva Man is Buried Today - William C. Horner, Civil War
Veteran Died at Long Beach, Calif.
Geneva, Ia - The funeral of William C. Horner, former Geneva
resident, who died Feb. 4, in Long Beach, Calif., will be
Thursday afternoon at the home of a daughter, Mrs. William
Harrison, Hampton. Burial will be in Lindenwood cemetery at
Mr. Horner, was born June 22, 1843. He enlisted for service in
the union army in August, 1862, and remained on duty until the
close of the Civil war, being mustered out in 1865.
He married Rhoda Boots here on Dec. 31, 1865. She died in 1908.
He married in California about 20 years ago.
Surviving are widow, four sons and three daughters of the first
marriage, as named: William A. and Chester Horner, Wenatchee,
Wash.; Herbert Horner, Inkster, N.D.; James W. Horner, Waterloo;
Mrs. P.R. Long, Worthington, Minnn.; Mrs. Ida Horner, Long Beach,
and Mrs. Harrison.
[transcribed by S.F., February 2013]