Iowa Old Press

The Alden Times
Alden, Hardin Co. Iowa
January 3, 1907

Hard on Dogs
Ackley World - Bill Jones lost his fighting dog this week. His little son took the dog out rabbit hunting and through a miscalculation in aming at a rabbit blew the head off the dog. An Illinois Central passenger train sent George Daniel's dog to the dog paradise also, this week.

Eldora Man a Conterfeiter.
Clyde Robinson, a day laborer is charged with attempting to help Uncle Sam increase the currency circulation in Eldora by successfully passing some ten dollar bills of his own make. Robinson now languishes in the Hardin county jail. He is a young man about 23 years of age and formerly bore a good reputation.

Rev. Olsted Resigns.
At the morning service Sunday, Rev. N. P. Olmsted presented his resignation as pastor of the Alden Congregational church to take effect the first of next March. He has received a unanimous call form the Pacific
Congregational church at St. Paul, one of the oldests and best established churches in the city, and feeling that the field offered him wider opportunties for usefullness than the Alden pastorate, has accepted subject
to his release here. The church meeting next week will act upon the resignation and, almost surely, accept it, as it has never been the spirit of the society to insist upon any arrangement that tended to hinder the
advancement of the cause as a whole.

[transcribed by M.O., November 2005]

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