Iowa Old Press

The Alden Times
Alden, Hardin Co. Iowa
December 7, 1906

Station Agent Retires
Agent T. J. Cochran, of the Illinois Central depot, who succeded Agent Walker only a few months ago, has announced his intentions of throwing up his job. He will go to Ellis,Iowa, near Council Bluffs, on the Illinois
Central. His successor at this place has not been announced as yet. The change is made largely on account of the health of Mrs. Cochran.

His True Address
H.B. Newton writes us that his present address is 969 Philips St, Springfield, Missouri and he would like to have his old home paper shot in that direction, once a week until further notice. It might, in some cases, be a distinct unkindness to let all hands know where a departed Aldenite is keeping himself, but we do not think this argument will apply to Mr. Newton.

An Early Settler
People who lived in Alden when it was only ten years old remember Mrs. Saphrona Percival, one of its earliest inhabitants, though not a continous resident here since that time. Mrs. Percival's present home is at
Hurdsfield, North Dakota, where she has taken and is perfecting title, to a homestead. A short time ago Mrs. Percival came back to Iowa for a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Miller in Ellis Township, where she has been taken serioulsy ill. Another daughter, Mrs. Riley of Mitchell, South Dakota has been called to her bedside.

[transcribed by M.O., November 2005]

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