Iowa Old Press

The Alden Times
Alden, Hardin Co. Iowa
November 18, 1898

John C. Crockett and wife spent a portion of last week in Alden.

Re. J. M. Tood and wife of Monroe, are spending a few days here visiting their son, Prof. Tood, and attending the M.E Conference.

Union Thanksgiving services will be held at the Methodist church next Thursday morning at 11 o'clock and Rev. E. Robbins will preach the sermon.

Mrs. N. B. Newton, who has been living in the family of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Robinson, since the death of her husband a few weeks ago, died Sunday evening. She has been in poor health for a number of years.

Charles Eighme has rented his farm west of town to August Ritter, who will take possession on the first of March and then we expect that Mr. Eighme and his family will become residents of Alden though as yet they have not definitely settled the matter.

[transcribed by M.O., November 2005]

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