Iowa Old Press

The Alden Times
Alden, Hardin Co. Iowa
July 29, 1898

Burdette Items:
-M. P. Bordwell and little son returned from Chicago, Tuesday.
-Mrs. W. Johnson, of Lisbon, Iowa is visiting her daughter Mrs. Eugene A. Hough.
-Mr. O. A. French's mother is visiting him from Chicago.
-Mrs Eva Johns of Chicago, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. C. Ford at this place.
-Miss Mayme Johnson and Mrs. B. F. Buell called at Iowa Falls, Tuesday.
-H. S. Buell, of Livermore, was in Burdette between trains, Tuesday.
-B. F. Henry has a steam thresher in his rye fields this week. The yield and quality are both very good.
-Mrs. W. H. Davis went to Cedar Rapids the latter part of this week to take treatments from a specialist.
-W. H. Robinson drove up into Mitchell county, Saturday.
-Mrs. B. Bordwell and litte son from Chicago are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Bordwell this week.

Deputy Sheriff Harris and County Attorney Lundy raided the Iowa Falls Billard hall last week and carried off a lot of material which looks, smells and tastes like beer. It is called fizz. The proprietors of the place,
Messrs. Owen & Evans are out on bail, pending the decision of the grand jury.

[transcribed by M.O., November 2005]

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