Iowa Old Press

The Alden Times
Alden, Hardin Co. Iowa
June 4, 1897

William Pagel, of Egan, South Dakota, arrived in Alden Wednesday for a short visit.

F. W. Crockett received the degree of Red Cross in St. Elmo commandary at Iowa Falls a few evenings ago.

J. M. George, who is now located at Burle River, Wisconsin, was shaking hands with his old Alden friends Wednesday.

Mrs. Kate Newton Frye has returned from Eldora for a visit at the parental home. We have not learned how soon she expects to return to Eldora, if at all.

Acting upon orders from Williams, Marshall Harp arrested T. J. Rick Tuesday charged with assulting Joe Rindernect and he was taken there for trial which was set for Thursday.

Miss Fannie Spencer returned home Monday afternoon from her winters stay at Thomasville, Georgia. The experience which she had with a fire just before her return home was a serious loss to her but she escaped without any injuries.

The funeral of John L. Laird was held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the services being conducted by Rev. Robbins. A very large number of the friends of the deceased was in attendance and escorted the remains to the cemetery where they were laid to rest.

Mrs. Sarah R. Furry was 75 years old Wednesday and to help her enjoy the occasion, her Sunday School class called on her in the afternoon with several fine presents and a fine supper which they all enjoyed.

Among those present from out of town in attendance at the Mrs. O'Brien funeral Wednesday afternoon were H.F. Schultz and wife, Alta; W. B. Schultz, wife and child, Williams; Mrs. Louisa Crockett and daughters, Eldora; Mrs. Thos. O'Brien, Chicago; Messrs. Dan and John O'Brien, Mrs. O'Brien, Judge and Mrs. Hyatt, J. Alington and Rev. Boardman, Webster City, and F. W. Crockett, Eldora. A large delegation of the Webster City chapter, O. E. S. was also in attendance.

[transcribed by M.O., November 2005]

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