Iowa Old Press

The Alden Times
Alden, Hardin Co. Iowa
Friday January 28, 1881

A. H. Merrill returned from trip down east, last Saturday.

A. McClara returned on Saturday after about a month's absence from town.

Mr. J. M. Soper, of Maysville, and Mrs. Merriett, of Otisville, were married on Tuesday last.

The Journal at Mason City has suspended, as it did not wish to play the ass which attacked the hive just for the amusement of the bees.

Wm. Keating is out this week with a new and business like "ad"- read it.

A dancing party at Geo. Chappel's on Wednesday night was well attended and a good time reported.

Sherm Pritchard was down on Wednesday from Wright county and bought two carloads of cattle.

The mink boa advertised by us last Friday was returned to the post office on Saturday by Mr. Kundt Oleson who has the thanks of the owner.

Miss Hattie Davis, Mrs. Haskins and Mrs. Merrill are away to Hampton on a vist for a few days.

Charles Johnson and family returned on Saturday morning from their vist east. Mr. Johnson reports money as being a drug in the market where he has been- it loans at 6 to 8 per cent, but then real estate in worth from $50 to $100 an acre there. Do we need a change?

H. B. Newton, eldest son of N. B. Newton, arrived from Missouri last week after an absence of nearly ten years. He will take charge of his father's farm west of town.He reports improvements in our town much beyond his expectations, and that he returns from his long exile satisfied that Iowa is the best State to live in.

Wilbur F. Green, a cousin of Dr. Malnix, has been looking over our town and country with the view of starting a large creamery. Mr. Green has had considerable experience in handling butter in Chicago, and we should be
pleased to welcome him among us. The institution he represents is much needed here.

Telephone lines will be put up soon from Buffalo, Saratoga, and Albany to New York city. This means of communication, we predict, will, in the near future, be in competition with the telegraph all over the country.

[transcribed by M.O., November 2005]

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