Iowa Old Press

The Alden Times
Alden, Hardin Co. Iowa
June 16, 1877

Frank Sperry is keeping R.M. Treat's Devonshire bull, Waterloo Jr., at his stable in town for the improvement of the town stock. His stock is of the best we have. Call and examine.

L.H. Utley and wife, P.D. Peck and wife and Miss Kate Thompson will go on Monday, overland, to Austin, Minn, to be gone several weeks.

The prairie is covered with strawberries, and the youngsters are at work on the first harvest of the season.

Uncle Thompson has been drilling the boys the past week on wicket playing. When a young man that was the national game, as base ball is now and as he was a crack player it revives old memories and makes him young again, to see the boys at play.

Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Strickler are at Eldora visiting.

Uncle Alden is improving slowly. He was able to ride out this week.

Pritchard Bros. have their new store completed and will move next week.

We saw M.W. Anderson of Iowa Falls, drive into town on Wednesday morning, and knew there would be a noise, and there was. It was a suit for damages. Pingel used threats of violence to Harms, bringing on Mrs. Harms an attack of heart disease. Nagle for Plaintiff, Anderson for defendant. If not settled, it will go to the Circuit Court. It all grew out of bad seed corn, which Pingel purchased of Harms.

I.O.O.F. - The officers elected by Alden Lodge for the coming semi-annual term are as follows: N.G., B.E. Strickler; V.G., A.R. Furry; Sec., J. Arthur Matthews; Treas., Nathan Aldrich.

On Monday, Mrs. Ottoman Gerhardt, a girl.
On Wednesday, Mrs. Chas. Robbins, a girl.
On Monday, Mrs. Wm. Savage, a girl.
All the paternal happy as clams

[transcribed by L.B., July 2009]

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