Iowa Old Press

Ackley Enterprise
Ackley, Hardin co. Iowa
June 30, 1876


-At Steamboat Rock, June 18, Geo. W. Timson, aged 41 years.

-Robert G. Harkness, of this tp., lost two children a short time since from scarlet fever. Their ages were 7 and 5 years respectively. Funeral sermon will be preached one week from next Sabbath at the Wilson school house at 10:00 o'clock a.m., by Rev. J. H. Griffith.

The Ackley Enterprise speaks of the desire of Ackley by suggesting that a new county be set off by taking two townships from Grundy, Butler, Franklin and Hardin and make Ackley the county seat. That would be nice for Ackley, wouldn't it though? We imagine that Butler won't care about such a proceeding for a while. Washington and Monroe are good members of Butler's family, and it won't do to bind them out for life. There is just an even 100 counties now, Bro. Barnard, so wait till the next Centennial and we'll split every county and have 200 if you want to. ~Parkersburg Eclipse

We imagine that the people of the townships named will have something to say about that Bro. Eclipse, and their verdict will be in the affirmative. Count the counties of the State again, and see if you can make more than ninety-nine out of them.

Mrs. L. P. Jones had a narrow escape a few days since. She had prepared some arsenic to poison rats. This she took in the back yard to place in position for the ratships, and some of the poison blew in her face.
She was perspiring freely and undoubtedly the poison was absorbed by the pores, for the effect was precisely the same as if it had been taken in the stomach. On Sunday Mrs. Jones was in critical condition, but Dr. Foster succeeded in neutralizing the poison. Poison of all kinds is very dangerous to have around the house. ~Iowa Falls Sentinel.

[transcribed by L.Z., August 2011]

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